budweiser // User Search
budweiser // User Search
Jun 5, 2001, 1:18am
What are some features we would like to see for 3.3, if one ever comes out?
Jun 24, 2001, 10:58pm
hmm, last time I tried to post this, it didn't work. Ill try again. I know
that when you register with aw by mail, you must remit the check to a
Newburyport address. Is that where the Activeworld headquarters is located?
Jun 26, 2001, 10:35am
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Jul 6, 2001, 11:29pm
37 days 21 hours
[View Quote]"brandon" <brandon at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b44f040$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 27 days 12 hours
> sw comit <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3b411216 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 14, 2001, 11:52pm
I have seen this big white blimp going round and round... it made me dizzy.
why is there a blimp in Alphaworld Gz?
Jul 18, 2001, 5:22pm
Cit number #321657
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B5501BE.9FE4B84 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> There was a time in AW when COF actually had a presence in the AW
Community. There
> was a time in AW when the concerns of the AW populace were actually
considered before
> a decision was made. There was a time in AW when people would meet in a
little world
> called The Transcend, and eagerly listen to COF's biggest announcements
and plans for
> the future. There was a time when, rather than see a product that was full
> potential get tossed aside like so much garbage, COF took it upon
themselves to keep
> it alive, doing it "for the community".
> That was then; this is now. All the broken promises, unheard pleas, and
> concerns lie plain for all to see like an open book. Citizenships that
> guaranteed to be free, abruptly changed to a paid system and unwittingly
creating a
> caste system of haves and have-nots that would forever divide the
community. Worlds
> like COFMeta, Atlantis, and WildAW, the "babies" of AWCI employees, now
stand nearly
> deserted and devoid of life due to neglect. World prices skyrocket out of
> without any prior warning or notification as the AW citizen base, mostly
> scramble to find enough money for their dream world. Features appear in
the software
> that only a marketing executive could love, as citizens' ideas go
completely and
> blatantly ignored. Organizations that once thrived on AWCI support (AWHS,
AWEC, et
> al) now stand in a state of dormancy, waiting for someone to help bring
them to their
> former glory. Textures get changed without any notification whatsoever,
> changing, and in some cases, ruining the AW landscape.
> And all this because of money; a simple, desperate, constant search for
money. While
> you were busy building virtual malls that no one would visit, you
succeeding in
> disenfranchising the AW populace by raising world prices and changing
> without any input from your supposed "cherished" user base. While you were
> shaking hands with Juno and making their world, a man by the name of
Cybernome left
> his post as caretaker of COFMeta (a world that *you*, AWCI, are supposed
to be taking
> care of) because of the stress of dealing with the AWCI management,
causing it to
> regress back to an empty, lonely world. While you were busy making
Universes that
> soon flopped, your stock did a reverse split and you actually had to buy
some of your
> own stock back! And while you were busy changing names and appointing
Board members,
> your own employees go as unnoticed and ignored as the citizens they spend
their daily
> lives helping and serving.
> There's a reason this letter starts with the greeting "To Whom It May
Concern". It's
> a greeting that asks a simple question: Does this concern you? Do these
things that
> have occurred over the years bother you? Do you think something should be
done about
> them? If so, then why haven't you? The events that are described here, as
well as
> many others, are all well documented, so it's not as if you didn't know
about them.
> You are all perfectly aware of this buzzing community of people that has
> sprung up around your little piece of software, yet you chose not to
address it.
> Instead of seeking to help nurture and grow this throng of loyal followers
who have
> been with you since the beginning, you wish to try and lure in companies
> businesses who might initially fall for the "revolutionary
> e-commerce/education/modeling/simulation/whatever software" routine, but
> discover it's nothing more than an elaborate chat room.
> If it's money you're after, why not look at what has and has not worked in
> storied history so far. Virtual malls have proven to be completely
ineffective, with
> at mart standing empty, except for the occasional tourist lured away from
AWGate. Your
> precious Education universe, as well as worlds created for universities
and colleges,
> lie empty and dead, never to be visited again. Even your most recent
projects, like
> Nettazi, fail to draw in even a hint of revenue. On the other hand,
mainstays like AW
> and AWTeen continue to draw in hundreds of users on a daily basis.
Volunteers like
> Alphabit Phalpha, Brant, Bille, and countless others provide events and
> services that keep people coming back. Even employees like Facter, Flagg,
and Roland
> do all that they can to help make the community a better place, even if
it's on their
> own time! And all of these things work for one simple reason: it's for the
> The community can make AW work!
> All it takes is turning around and looking at who's behind you. Will Juno
care about
> AW's community and development? Will Nettaxi? Will NASA or the University
of Santa
> Cruz or PCDJ.com or some other corporate sponsor down the road? When all
is said and
> done, when all the deals have past and all the money has been squandered,
we will
> still be here, supporting everything you do. Why? Simply because we have
taken the
> time to invest in your product to its fullest. We are the ones who have
committed to
> making AW the greatest place for people to come and, ultimately, spend
> hard-earned money. We are the ones who have succeeded in keeping this
company afloat,
> despite all the hardships and bad decisions. And we are the ones who can
help you
> bring AW into the forefront, where it belongs; where it *needs* to be.
> But in order to do that, our voices need to be heard. We need to work
together if
> you ever want to see this program break out of this cycle of stagnation.
> concerns must become our concerns, and our concerns must become your
concerns. Only
> then, will AWCI begin to see true success, and AW will launch into the
> Still, the question remains: Are these your concerns? Do the ideas
expressed in this
> letter, and echoed by hundreds of users before us, even register with you?
Because if
> they don't, you've essentially told every single person who's ever bought
> citizenship or a world or a t-shirt or a CD, who's ever started a
> organization or a business in AW, that it was all for nothing. You might
as well tell
> everyone to send you a check for $20 in the mail every year and never even
come to AW
> at all.
> The community can help you, if you are willing to let it. Let us be heard,
> together we can bring AW out of the darkness and into the spotlight where
it belongs.
> Because *that* should be everyone's primary concern.
> Most Sincerely,
> Bob Rodehorst
> "Goober King" (#103935)
> ---------------------------------------------
> This is the letter I plan on sending to every single person on the AWCI
> Whether you like me or not is irrelevant. Whether you believe AWCI has a
right to
> ignore us or not is irrelevant. Whether you think this letter has a
snowball's chance
> in hell of making anything happen or not is irrelevant. The only thing
that matters
> is, if you agree with the statements written above, please show your
support by
> replying to this message with your cit name and number. If you want, you
can add
> extra weight to your "signature" by adding your real name, to demonstrate
that you
> are a real person and not just some random number. In either case, the
more people
> who sign it, the better chance of us actually being considered.
> So please, let's drop all of our petty squabbles just this once, and show
AWCI that
> we can actually stand united as one for the common good. Because if we
can't, then we
> are no better than the company we complain about. I still have some faith
in my
> fellow community members. Don't destroy it.
> --
> Goober King
> Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
May 27, 2001, 5:31pm
how did you fill a 70 gig hard drive in a matter of weeks?
May 21, 2001, 3:47am
If I can offer one more tip? He kinda hit it with #7, but I would like to
expand on it a little... I think that if you have town rules, keep them
very simple. If you have many complex rules, i.e. building rules, you will
be hard pressed during the enforcement of them. Good points Comit..
May 21, 2001, 3:14am
just testing this out...
May 21, 2001, 3:15am
okay good it works! I can finally post!
May 21, 2001, 10:25am
Okay, thanks. Ill look them over. I've seen agent fox mulder before in
awgz, the others I haven't. I just look at it this way. Ill be cool with
people that are cool to me. I am low stress, and very chill. See you
around man..
May 21, 2001, 3:18am
come visit my humble city, Yosemiteville.... Located in aw at 6000s 13500e.
thanks and hope you like it..
May 21, 2001, 2:53pm
Oh no... Budweiser loves...
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May 25, 2001, 10:49pm
I have a quick question.. does it mean anything particular when someone
prefaces their post with [NGS] or other variations? Thanks in advance.
May 26, 2001, 1:31am
okay thanks.
May 27, 2001, 5:39pm
I tried that, but it would not work for me, I have to d/c with the browser
open the reconnect
May 26, 2001, 5:08pm
Actually, my favorite is the alphaworld mapper, www.vevo.com
May 26, 2001, 7:13pm
How exactly does the pricing scheme work in your town, or is it $350 per
Thanks in advance
May 29, 2001, 3:25pm
Last night, I was building, but aw was acting like I was trying to build
while not connected to the internet. I would build the object, but the
object would disappear right after I did.. No BI messages or anything. I
exited and reopen aworld and I found the many copies of the object that I
was trying to make. I guess what it was is I was making the objects, but
aw could not tell they were there. I thought that was kind of strange so I
figured I would mention here.
May 29, 2001, 10:46pm
The most likely cause of this problem was Internet lag, and a bad connection
between yourself and our servers, a router may of gone down and the update
packets were taking longer to get to you than usual....it happens...
That makes sense, I do use a 56k modem that really acts like a 28-33k modem,
however this is the first time experiencing this problem.
Get a T1 or DSL :)
Oh you better believe I would if I could, however my current situation does
not allow me to connect to the internet by any other means than a phone
Thanks for your answer
May 30, 2001, 11:42pm
Some guy is going around aw spreading this hoax. I saw him at awgz, and I
am sure he has been in other worlds as well. Pretty much he (or she) tells
you that the file called sulfnbk.exe is a virus and must be deleted from
your hard drive or your hard drive will be bombed.
My proof that this is a hoax can be found on the link above. Have a nice
May 30, 2001, 11:45pm
Oh yeah, one cit that is spreading the rumor is one named 'Bunny Baby'
May 31, 2001, 2:33am
I aint the rumor patrol. Just some guy trying to look out for others.
May 31, 2001, 2:34am
I agree with you now, but I wasn't sure at first.
Jun 3, 2001, 6:06am
Why are people so hostile here? I just like to chill but there is nothing
but fighting here...
Jun 5, 2001, 3:14pm
Actually, I think this one is pretty tame compared to many I've seen.
Jun 3, 2001, 1:46pm
does anyone know if the gurus in aw plan on expanding alpha world?
Jun 21, 2001, 1:08am
What happened?
Jul 2, 2001, 11:15am
What does everyone consider a low cit number? What is the upper low cit
number threshold?
Jul 9, 2001, 2:50pm
I don't think he was directing it at you, I think it was more a reflection
on his view of a community where you have to put that type of stuff.
[View Quote]"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
news:3b49d8cc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b49b338$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> vibe,
> Then please, give me another solution to the problem - if you can think of
> something more effective, I am all ears - but you will be hard pressed to
> think of anything effective to counter someone not using common sense...
> F.
> information.
> many