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avenger // User Search
avenger // User SearchmuahahahhahahaJun 24, 2001, 12:23pm
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You know, beleive it or not i can be a very mature person. I just cant get
over how some of you ppl completely flip over simple things, and you think flaming us ppl who make stupid jokes actually makes us feel worse. The only reason i post dumb stuff is only for my entertainment, cuz by the time i am done reading the newsgroups, i got to take a break because i am laughing so hard, and if i can get a good laugh after a suck ass day at work, it makes me feel alot better. But what what fuels us to continue to post dumb stuff is your reactions, the bigger the reaction, the more tempting it is to post something stupid. And me getting on eep's "twit" list makes me laugh harder, if he/she is such an "adult" he/she would handle these situations like an adult, and IGNORE them, instead of calling them names, and telling them how stupid they are. And by eep, and the other ppl flaming us, they think that they are actually going to make us stop...well nope, there are going to be ppl like this for a loooong time, wheather you like it or not. I cant feel my legsJun 27, 2001, 2:15am
Snakes mom sat on my i cant feel them, please help me
I cant feel my legsJun 27, 2001, 2:24am
You mean your dog liked you that much, and you were still the best over
those other stuffed animals your dog has done? .................Jun 27, 2001, 3:09am
LOL, uhh, i have uhh never looked at porn in my life, btw, what is uhhh,
porn? Can headphones cure headaches?Jun 27, 2001, 8:16pm
I had a pounding headache earlier, but i had to try out this bass tester cd
for my rumble fx force feedback headphones, and the vibrations from the headphones gave my head a little massage, and made my headache go right away...... workshiftJul 1, 2001, 3:26am
I worked 92 hours last week at work............lets see who can beat that :)
Total time onlineJul 3, 2001, 3:11am
i got you all beat..9 days 4 hours, and who cares about the rest, lol
time travelers or sellsmen with a mentel condition?Jul 8, 2001, 4:41am
that would mean our technology will suck in the future, if it is still the
same i miss 3.1Jan 16, 2001, 10:57am
I think they should have just released 3.1 since many ppl had it (and it
kicked ass) They could have just started to work on a 3.2 to fix all of the bugs that 3.1 have. And It looks like all of the beta testers are just having fun with it, rather than actually doing anything with it because everytime i go into one of those worlds they are just fucking around, and they say they are testing while just standing there making a bunch of glass windows move around, i would beleive thats a test, but there are like 500 other spinning glass windows that are already made, so it obvously works, yet they build more. ok, i am done........... what the hell was i thinkingJan 18, 2001, 5:05am
I must have been asleep or something when i posted that "i miss 3.1" i dunno
what my prob was..No i am not a complete idiot, i know what beta testing is, i was a beta tester for an online game (half-life counter-strike......the most kick ass game ever!) but at least i didnt get slammed like agent fox mulder alwase does...well i am going to bed before my mind takes over and i post something stupid :)..(and if i ever do it again, just hit me, ill snap back to reality) graphics artistJan 18, 2001, 7:26pm
I am training to be a certified graphics artist, and i want to start making
graphics for towns and worlds, to whoever requests it, would it be a good idea or a waste of my time??????? New ForumMay 18, 2001, 10:47am
I am planning on to make a new forum that it web based, alot better than
this, much easier to read, and has lots of cool features and alot faster than this...but what i want to know is if i put it up, how many of you will actually go try it out...if anyone will go to i will put it up, and i gurantee that you would like it better than this MilkJun 5, 2001, 1:50am
There is no greater passtime than blowing bubbles through a straw into a
glass of milk. MilkJun 5, 2001, 3:13am
Yea i like those to...oh and sorry rehabber, i hit the wrong reply
[View Quote] Off Topic stuffJun 6, 2001, 10:28am
Good God you are some strange people, i put a little post for a little bit
of humor, and it seems that the first 8 people who read it, actually got it...then you got eep, who completly flips...eep, if you dont like the thread...GO READ ANOTHER ONE!!!! for people who actually have a sence of humor, let them read the thread...I hate people who alwase try to go by the rules for everything...just try to have alittle bit of i all of a sudden realise for the 2 years ive had aw, ive only posted on this board like 3 times...oh oops, this thread is "off topic" comes eep...................... Off Topic stuffJun 6, 2001, 10:55am
Oh, also eep, as i read through all of your old posts, it seems that YOU are
the one who is more off topic that all of us, since all you do is post crude messages of how dumb people are...OPEN YOUR EYES DUMBASS this board does nor revolve around you Off Topic stuffJun 6, 2001, 1:16pm
Oh, also eep, as i read through all of your old posts, it seems that YOU are
the one who is more off topic that all of us, since all you do is post crude messages of how dumb people are...OPEN YOUR EYES DUMBASS this board does nor rev [View Quote] |