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Available Bots?

Nov 22, 1999, 6:08pm
Does anyone have any bots that they give away? I have looked around at
Imabot, Xelagot, and other kinds of bots like that. I am talking more of the
homegrown variety. Also, I would be willing to help with beta-testing of
bots. Let me know.

Andrew Bugera(Agent1)

Available Bots?

Nov 23, 1999, 3:11pm
What I am looking for is a compiled bot that has some useful functions. As
long as it has decent documentation (even a short instruction from the
creator), I should be able to use it fine.

-Andrew Bugera(Agent1)

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Feb 29, 2000, 8:05pm
Another test... please ignore if this post appears.

I know this was already discussed...

Jan 1, 2000, 10:20pm
.... but I can't find it so I'll ask again.

What would be involved in making a bot walk over bumps in a terrain? I am
reffering to the way they walk as if they are using shift. We are designing
a group of bots and it would seems much more natural if they walked over and
around the bumps instead of through them.


Next AW Newsletter

Feb 27, 2000, 9:35pm
I believe that an article in the next AW Newsletter may end up being
slightly misleading. I am posting this here, as if I tried to post to the newsgroup, it would most likely be rejected.
I saw HamFon was in ActiveS (Mech's world) and I thought there might be some
truth to what Mech Warrior told me. Anyway, here's what I have to show you.

* Active Worlds chat session: Sun Feb 13, 2000 12:20 PM *

Mech Warrior: Ok, well, we have been trying to keep this covered up because,
It will be announced throught The Aw Newsletter.
Mech Warrior: I beleive as best bot or something
Agent1: I see
Mech Warrior: with like a 8 paragraph article.
Mech Warrior: And we are just releasing the Flora and Fauna Intellegent is
hush hush
Mech Warrior: Because
Mech Warrior: We are not COMPLETLY done with it.
Mech Warrior: we still need to program alot more.
Mech Warrior: like houses.
Mech Warrior: etc.
Agent1: I thought so...
Mech Warrior: and we still have to make about 3000 avatars .
Mech Warrior: for the bot to use.
Mech Warrior: like baby
Mech Warrior: to adult
Mech Warrior: we were thinking
Mech Warrior: just making the berry get bigger and bigger
Mech Warrior: And when it is angry
Mech Warrior: it will turn red
Mech Warrior: and when it is happy it will be green
Mech Warrior: when it is sad it will turn yellow
Mech Warrior: and when it is dead it will turn into ghostberry
Mech Warrior: and float up into the air.
Mech Warrior: hehe
Mech Warrior: good idead huh?
Mech Warrior: idea*
Agent1: Yep :)
Mech Warrior: are you good at anything that could help us?
Mech Warrior: if so. I will let you join.
Agent1: Well... I could build things... create simple objects... code a
little bit (in C though)
Mech Warrior: I really need object creators.. no builders
Mech Warrior: we need
Mech Warrior: about 1000 berry's
Mech Warrior: from like a small ant
Mech Warrior: To a gigantic berry
Mech Warrior: about the size of a pp01m
Mech Warrior: or pp01l
Agent1: Uhh... if you need that many... why not just code a way to modify
the RWX files and upload them as needed?
Mech Warrior: It isn't possible in vb
Mech Warrior: I believe
Agent1: :O
Agent1: You can't read/write to files?
Mech Warrior: it can do that
Mech Warrior: just cannot upload.
Agent1: hmm.. That's odd
Mech Warrior: we've tried everything.
Mech Warrior: see ya later
Agent1: Bye


AW Cloner.

Mar 15, 2000, 12:12am
I'd like to participate. This sounds pretty neat :)


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SDK build 16 Xelagot

Apr 4, 2000, 7:11pm
LOL... "victim" :)

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Help With Programming

May 3, 2000, 8:58pm
Would this be connected to AW in any way? If not, this really isn't the
place to ask for help.

You could try or (I think) for some game
programming (and other general coding help). has a bunch of
forums (including ones where you can ask for help).


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Xelagot and Avatar Movement

May 14, 2000, 8:43pm
It would be nice if we could specify just one co-ordinate and have the avatar be warped relative to thier current position.
"007 awp Abbot Pabisoko, 5N" would move him 5 meters (or co-ords) north from his current spot.


Preston 30 is out

May 22, 2000, 11:16pm
Just to save Faber from a duplicate bug report (BTW - I already told him in
private :D):

I have noticed that when I use whisper reply for the change world settings
action, it says it aloud. I am assuming this happens for all actions.


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Preston 30 is out

May 23, 2000, 2:02am
Is there a reason this message went through the moderator?


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Looking for Bot server and Blimp Bot and avatar

Jun 17, 2000, 12:26am
I believe that once Preston has Bone features added to it, it will be
possible to remotly control a Preston (if you're authorized).
Faber has said he will add this to one of the upcoming versions. We'll just
have to keep pestering him :)


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CORe Update

Jun 29, 2000, 2:03am
This sounds like a very interesting project :)
I'd like to help you test it once it's ready for the beta phase.


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lcc-win Compiler & SDK

Dec 20, 1999, 8:05pm
Have any of you tried using LCC-WIN with the Activeworlds SDK?
If you have, please let me know if you have had any trouble with it. I have
written a bot that will compile but will not execute properly.

If this has happened to you please let me know.
- Andrew Bugera (Agent1)

Oh Roland.....

Jan 8, 2000, 5:07pm
Any idea of what kind of new features you will be including in the next
version of the SDK? How about a release date? :D


Oh Roland.....

Jan 9, 2000, 7:06pm
Yes, Abbot, I am aware of that... I was there when he anounced it :)

Hopefully you don't think I'm going senile before I am of legal age! LOL


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Prestons aren't computer friendly

Jul 14, 2000, 1:53am
Since I don't know exactly how Preston works, I'll only be able to give a general answer.

I'm assuming that Preston has to load all of your commands into memory so that it can check them against the events it is recieving
from the world server as quickly as possible. I may be wrong, because the entries can still be read from the file every time, but
that would take a considerably longer amount of time (I think :D).

Anyway, I hope Faber reads this soon and can give a better explanation than I did :)


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Bot Hosting

Jul 15, 2000, 7:26pm
I am thinking of offering bot hosting 24/7 (not including various downtimes ;) ).

I'd like so opinions about this. Would you use this kind of service? What sort of downtime would be acceptable to you? Would you pay
for it?


Bot Hosting

Jul 15, 2000, 10:22pm
Maybe it would... hmm :)

Aha! Once Faber adds the "remote control" stuff to Preston, I could host those...
I'll need to think some more about this :)


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Re: Prestons aren't computer friendly

Jul 17, 2000, 12:32pm
Litestep does seem to be a much more stable shell than Explorer. However, I
would only reccommend using a different shell if you are an advanced
computer user and know exactly what you are doing. If you are an advanced
user, you might want to give it a try. Good thing is, you can always just
switch back to the regular Windows shell.


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Jul 17, 2000, 2:13pm
I've just completed the first publicly available version of BonePhone! :)

Check it out at
BonePhone acts as a relay system between a Bone channel and a world in AW.
Currently, BonePhone is in beta, so there may be a few bugs left.

You can ask general questions on the message board (link on BonePhone page)
and I will try to answer them as best I can. Also, bug reports can be made
by emailing me at Agent1 at with the subject "BonePhone Bug
Report". If possible, include the general time of the problem in the email.

Have fun :)


A carrying bot?

Jul 27, 2000, 1:21am
[View Quote] There is no feature like this :) There is however, the aw_teleport() thingy :D

This allows you to move an avatar to anywhere you want if you have eject rights. A bot maker would have to have the bot keep
updating the avatar's position to it's own. Faber has implemented a "carry" command in Daniel (AWGames). It's kind of fun... for a
while ;)


Re: VB Wrapper - Callback Functions & AWCitizenAttributesBYNumber

Sep 22, 2000, 10:45pm
ahh yes... I recall a little bot I threw together... "RolandAnnoy" :)


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An Idea

Mar 30, 2000, 5:32pm
I went to your website earlier and couldn't find a working link to
information about this AW Plug In. If you could tell me more about it, I
might be willing to help beta test :)

(PS. Feel free to respond via email, Andon)

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What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 6, 2000, 10:37am
One person doesn't want to by something and that makes them an idiot? Odd...


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The AW SDK *IS* Thread-Safe!

Apr 14, 2000, 7:27pm
Pointers need to "point" to something :)


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cracked browser

Oct 16, 2000, 10:47am
Not really...

If you've got your own world, you can check if someone without build rights is selecting an object, or doing other things some
cracked browsers can do. AWGames has a bot that does just that :)


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cracked browser

Oct 26, 2000, 7:24pm
I would assume it keeps a list of all of the people "allowed" to select objects. If you're not on the list and select an object,
you're outta there! :)


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Oct 29, 2000, 1:00pm
Ima did make a Bingo Bot, but it's not the one used in AWBingo (and those other bingo worlds). It was HamFon that programmed that
one :)

I'm not quite sure if either would like giving their bot to the public, so you'd have to ask them.


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May 20, 2000, 4:41pm
Now, call me lazy, but I want it fixed! :D

Instead of only specifying these as it does now:

Why not have it specify the same attributes as AW_EVENT_OBJECT_ADD? Or is
there a simpler way to decrementing the number of a certain model than
keeping track of all of the objects?


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