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Prestons aren't computer friendly

Jul 13, 2000, 10:52pm
I dunno if it's just me or if it's because it's Beta (build 31), but my
preston uses nearly 25% of my ram! I got 128 too. Does it's ini file effect
it, cause my bot is packed to the rim with commands.

- - - SW Comit
Mayor of SW City

Prestons aren't computer friendly

Jul 15, 2000, 3:57pm
Thanks for your insight. My bot's ini is 32kb. I can't add 1 more
dictionary command or I get an illegal operation and the bot deletes it's
program. But I have backups. It's really hard on my computer when I have
the city bot and the paintball bot on at the same time, plus all my
background programs, AW 3.0, and ICQ2000b. Got about 30% ram left.

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Bot Hosting

Jul 15, 2000, 9:47pm
Well I dunno very much about hosting, but I do know bots take alot ram. So
wouldn't the host server computer need like a sh*t load of ram?

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What's the name of taht bot?

Sep 26, 2000, 4:13am
Awhile back someone said they made a bot just like the Bird Bot (at the
imabot web page), but they said the bot avoids objects to make it look more
realistic. I woulda payed more attention but I had to go, now I can't find
where to get it!

What's the name of taht bot?

Sep 28, 2000, 9:02pm
Probably, that's what someone told me.

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What's the name of taht bot?

Sep 30, 2000, 10:34pm
OMG! what the hell? 31 dollars for it? Crimany who would pay that? Mabey 5
bucks, that's all I'd pay max.

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What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 4, 2000, 11:16pm
I'd pay if I really wanted it, but not that much, it's more expensive that
AW itself, lol. What about Ima Genius, Faber and Xelag and Canopus's free
bots, though...

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What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 6, 2000, 2:20am
Calling me an idiot for expressing my opinion? tsk tsk...

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What's the name of taht bot?

Oct 13, 2000, 3:58am
Hmmpf, mabey by your standards =P

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 18, 2001, 1:55am
I don't like it either wing, but 2 kb? Big deal, what's your connection, 100
bytes a second?

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 4:25am
500-600bps? I take it you mean kbps =) I wonder if it has anything to do
with AW's super slow cache speed. When I walk around it downloads property
at about 300 bytes per second =\

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]

Prestons done?

Nov 24, 2000, 8:11pm
What's up with lack of updates for good Preston friends? I mean, it's been
6 months since the last update, that's half a year =O

Bug fix in Chess xelagot script

Dec 18, 2000, 10:39pm

The future of xelagots

Dec 22, 2000, 3:34am
I'm just curious to know what's in store for xelagot's user interface (not

If only it had a simple "you say this and the bot will say that" interface.

The future of xelagots

Dec 24, 2000, 2:56am
Ok, what about the first part of my message though?

A Lost-N-Found bot for citizens/tourists???

Dec 29, 2000, 5:18pm
I tried that. I scanned the whole world (took hours), and only found 2
people, one was afk


come back faber!

Jan 31, 2001, 3:54am
Ahhhhhh the preston hasn't been updated in 8 months now. Is it done or
what? I've seen faber in AW, a number of times, has he just stopped working
on bots or something? I emailed him too, no response..

Active Worlds Utility 1.00

Feb 14, 2001, 4:53am
What do you mean? On one of the oldest versions of it, I scanned all the
cells in AW in about 4 hours on my p3 500 with 56k modem.

I only found 2 people though, both afk, lol.

Active Worlds Utility 1.00

Feb 14, 2001, 4:54am
> Ugh I don't know what it is with me and this bot but we just don't seem to
> get along.

Fighing with your bot you.

Hey Lanezeri...I got a bot for you to make....

Feb 23, 2001, 2:16am
Ummm...can't a preston do all that?

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]


Apr 4, 2001, 3:15am
Is it posible to teleport a bot with +0 +0 +0a teleport commands? When you
teleport a bot a short distance it looks like it just walks it, so I think
it'd be pretty cool to just control it. I tried to use that command with a
preston, didn't work, the bot got ejected...any ideas? What about xelagots?

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

In and out????

Apr 10, 2001, 5:01am
Hmmm I thought Faber was dead or something but then I got my hopes up when I
saw a new version of Chat Bot in January. However it's been 4 months now
and there's nothing new, and no news of him (well there could be, but I
never heard about it.)

To get to the point I was really hoping for a Preston update. I've done
great things with it: Paintball, Baseball, Tennis, Slot Machines, Plinko,
and now I'm working on a Battle Bots thing.

So...where's Faber?

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

In and out????

Apr 10, 2001, 8:27pm
Oh Ima did that eh? Yea I forgot he worked on that stuff too =0

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

Learn to program bots!

Apr 18, 2001, 1:55am
I don't like it either wing, but 2 kb? Big deal, what's your connection, 100
bytes a second?

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 4:25am
500-600bps? I take it you mean kbps =) I wonder if it has anything to do
with AW's super slow cache speed. When I walk around it downloads property
at about 300 bytes per second =\

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]


Dec 15, 2004, 10:42pm
Well you probaby won't have to worry about that if he's expiring :P

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Apr 25, 2001, 11:39pm
They gotta make it last dude. The people of AW are really spread out in the
time zones. I wish it were faster anyway though.

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission


May 8, 2001, 9:45pm
Yes I know that, it's the same thing. If it "spit" the numbers out faster,
bingo rounds wouldn't as long, and I doubt AW is gonna increase their prizes
to accommodate all that time the extra speed provided. Only my opinion

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

Preston 32 beta now available

May 6, 2001, 8:24pm
Ima, did you take over Preston is was that Faber?

SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

Backup bot wanted

Jul 24, 2002, 2:58am
SW City is looking for a backup bot to backup, well, SW City, incase
disaster should strike. I tried editing xelagot's world backup, but the
backup fails around zone 190 something. The bot needs to be able to backup
an area of around 1000x1000 coords. I have a feeling one already exists but
I don't really keep up with with the world of bots like I use to. Could
someone direct me to the url of one?

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