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Re: Prestons aren't computer friendly

Jul 17, 2000, 10:21am
Well i know of a way to get more system resorces free.
well 2 ways both require use of a difrent shell the second frees up more ram
at a cost of control over some programs.
1 IMO the best is litestep replacement shell it will change one line in your
system ini shell=c:\windows\explorer.exe to shell=c:\litestep.exe
url for that one is
the secound is the old 3.1 program manager
changes shell to
shell=c:\windows\progman.exe i could not get at icq to send people messages
both save you alot of resorces ls will bump you up to 96% at start up from 63
with ls donot use daily builds ls looks like linux. i have no idea what ls
does to regis to work with nt and 2000 as i dont use them and never looked but
is in their faqs sectiion. ls is free and progman is already on your os if any
one decides to dl ls read the faqs first

Re: Prestons aren't computer friendly

Jul 17, 2000, 10:33pm
your right is reason i said to read the FAQS as it is a way difrent shell and
take some getting use to also any one who does try it feel free to tgram me.
and ill help as much as i can. if you try it give it 3 days bef you dump it
once your use to it you will never go back to explorer :)
p.s. ehehe sence agent seems to have some knolage tgram him for help to :)

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Jul 17, 2000, 10:34pm
hey agent you have a typo in the url you added a extra period
should be

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Aug 3, 2001, 12:11am
geocities suxx for website specialy if your serving zip files from one
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Important Message Very IMPORTANT

Jan 15, 2001, 11:35am
strange how the ip in the message headers are the same in all the posts.
so if it wasnt you i think maybe you should look at people in your house.
just so you dont freek and screan novas a hacker al you have to do to see
ips in a ng is right click message and select properties.
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About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 12:59pm
more like you will be ignored. this has got to be the most anoying so called
style ive ever seen.
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About My Capitals

Jan 26, 2001, 10:51pm
uhh derek why reply to lond dead threads?
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About My Capitals

Jan 26, 2001, 11:01pm
heheh yeh but dang man read the dates we dont want to get thing stired back
up ehehe
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Jan 27, 2001, 12:24pm
how is it so many people get infected by viri?
do like i do refuse all atachments filter them so when you get one it get
moved to a folder and delete it dont except atachments unless the person
sending them sends a seprate email saying he or she is sending you such and
such file.
i have that viri sent to me once that i know of some idiot got it from a
porn email subscription and got infected by it and forwarded it to me and
bout 50 other people none of wich got infected.
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Jan 27, 2001, 7:33pm
hehe i got a k6-2 in the other room the original 300 that was in it got up
past 200 degs causea ide cable hit the fan fan melted but the cpu wasnt hurt
at all and i got a few more crashes than normal but dang that was a stable
cpu tough little sob. :)
and i think reason peeps get so many viri is they sit there and click every
freeking exe no matter where it came from hey whats this click
i dont even except jpgs or any file less the person tells me they are
sending it in a seprate email.
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..just spamming my news server.. if you don't wanna go to it, then there's no use reading this..

Feb 12, 2001, 12:24am
tryed accesing it no go my bet is its not running but if it at the time of
this message you got some prob there
vrt time is 12:18 feb 12 2000
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Once again..

Feb 25, 2001, 11:55pm
How bout a bot that can be run off a server that has a client interface that
you can use to access difrent logs ie chat log visitor log and also allow
you chat through the bot or make a bot that is a server that a client can
log in to .
The client should be as small as possible say be able to fit on a floppy and
be run from a floppy if need be???
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Once again..

Feb 26, 2001, 10:50am
why couldnt the client portion fit on a floppy?
im not talking extreamly advanced feature in the client mainly a chat
interface a simple one at that,a way to get at the logs iechat and entry and
if theres enough room simple wolrd admin stuff ie entry build bot rights no
real advanced world admin ie lights fog etc.
o yeh one other feture that would be needed for the client would be
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Once again..

Feb 27, 2001, 1:30pm
why does so many people compare aw to a game?
gmes have points of some sort ie hit points in a rpg or guns that kill a
player like unreal or some other sort of thing.
aw has none of this yeh some have made rpgs inside ow aw but that does not
make aw a game in anyway.
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Once again..

Feb 27, 2001, 1:42pm
Vis basic is ment as a stepping stone for other languages.
Thats realy whats its ment as and for the hobbyist.
I wish i hadnt stoped programing at good old basic but i wasnt realy in to
puters when qbasic and vis basic came out if i had been id likly be doing
alot of c++ now but i dont want to learn programing now as i dont realy have
much time with my work in true space and 3d studio max and rr job.
so i just realy on people who do program c++ for bots etc.
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Once again..

Feb 27, 2001, 8:57pm
god dont get me started on win me what a freeking heap of a os sheesh
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Mar 3, 2001, 9:23pm
Sounds perfect for me what is you conect type cable dsl t1 ??
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Mar 4, 2001, 12:26am
Sounds good will do later tonight or tomorow morning
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Mar 5, 2001, 10:52am
Well dsl is available in so many difrent types includeing one type called
vdsl wich can give you up to 56 megs a sec dls and uploads.
Also with new cheap and free providers comeing out like winfire curently
offers in alot of areas dsl will fast become the better value winfire has a
full pay service that cost 34.95 permonth i pay 39.95 a month for my cable
and its avrage speed is below dsl ive hit 1.5 and even 2 meg a sec dls but
it never stays there for long normal is 350 to 550 k and they blocked my
port 80 and 2.
So cable is becomeing less of a good value and with winfire in alot of areas
difrent isps will be forced to compeat and lower their prices on dsl
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Aug 3, 2001, 12:11am
geocities suxx for website specialy if your serving zip files from one
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Aug 15, 2001, 1:06am
Tipod deletes any and all exes and zips as well as the site that had them on
Try angle fire just dont remote link the zip ie no redirects.
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skin for browser

Feb 3, 2001, 12:18pm
if you want skins you could use window blinds to skin aw
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Speed Limit!!!

Feb 3, 2001, 12:13pm
that does sound cool
want to go beond aws normal speed ?
go here and download mouse buddy
fire it up set the snsitivity for the axes to 512
click mouse move in aw browser use a joy stick button to emulate the right
mouse button hold down ctrl and push foward you can out run bots that are
following you and every one else to :)
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New ejection...

Feb 27, 2001, 1:57pm
you can easly get a ip addy through aw icq aol im etc useing netstat from a
dos prompt doesnt matter what progy your useing if it conects to the
internet and alows you to send a message to some one else they can get your
ip addy
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..just spamming my news server.. if you don't wanna go to it, then there's no use reading this..

Feb 12, 2001, 12:24am
tryed accesing it no go my bet is its not running but if it at the time of
this message you got some prob there
vrt time is 12:18 feb 12 2000
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Make AW in delphi

Feb 18, 2001, 4:09pm
Linux isnt just for hacking its for any one who wants to have total control
over their puter with out the bugs asociated with windows.
I my self dont use linux for one simple reason i do 3d work in true space
and 3dstudio max for use in aw inviros and for out side projects true space
and max will not work in linux with out loading vmaware and loading windows
as a virt machine.
but for a very long time i did use a replacement shell called lite step
witch made your desk top look like you was useing linux and saved a ton of
mem and general resorces use aprox half that that explorer does.
as for what some one said bout getting open gl in aw i think that will be
great and excuse the limted use of cap letter backs killing me and im not
paying a huge amount of atention to caps and periods etc

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Make AW in delphi

Feb 18, 2001, 4:13pm
heheh ive been threatoned with that a few times im going to hack you o ok
let me do sometyhing here real fast (this is when i was in laxxun) clik icon
for xnet stat change my av to one served off my hd hit relog on hit xnet
here hackor heres your ip
hacker leaves
hey why you run for :)
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Make AW in delphi

Feb 23, 2001, 11:07pm
resons for multi cpus
1 Start working in 3d and see how fast you want a second cpu just to run
background tasks.
2 how bout burning a cd while working in another app or while being in aw.
3 this is more a resona for 3 cpus than simply 2 with 3 you can dedicate a
cpu each to aw true space and the other for burning a cd.
basicly multple cpus alow you to run a single program on each cpu to speed
up each app.
yes this can also make it faster to hack a site or puter.
but hacking being the only reason for multple cpus in gen end user puter no
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This would be fun, but useless

Feb 23, 2001, 10:56pm
Would probly kill performance big time.
Unless it had a feed to a external program then the cam wouldnt cause any
more drag than a standard object of the same vert count.
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AWCI-Stop using backgrounds with fog! It doesn't work and looks gay.

Feb 25, 2001, 11:34pm
looks like some one puked on every thing geeze thats horid
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