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Shame on WVRN Radio

Aug 15, 2001, 4:06am
I support Danny 2k for all his efforts to make a great internet
radio station for AW. AW should be proud that someone such as Danny has taken it
upon himself to provide advertisements for the community and I would encourage
them to make their own voice ad for Danny to use as well. He gets listeners from
all over the country not just people that go to AW. But I'm sure they might be
coming here now, lol Danny 2k and XTC have worked very hard to make
what it is today and even with Danny's medical problems he is going thru right
now he is still able to do something he loves doing so much. If people will send
him the URLs to new mp3s he can upload to add to the playlist that can be done.
It's your station as much as it is his. If I had cable I'd be sending him lots
of stuff to play, so anyone out there that wants to see more selections, upload
the mp3 to a site and send the URL to him.
Unlike K.C, Danny 2k has been very proffesional in the way he has run his
station from the beginning. He lost the BW trash and things have been going very
successfully for him now and will continue to. BW went for the money and the
inferior quality. Now that inferior quality, wvrn, is trying to ruin things for
Danny 2k. But fortunately the intelligent, good people know better and will also
support Danny 2k and XTC at 100% and is the Official Cy Awards
Internet Radio Station.


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Shame on WVRN Radio

Aug 15, 2001, 8:34pm
Yes and who is the one starting the trouble? AGAIN! lol That's all I need to say
about it.

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Shame on WVRN Radio

Aug 16, 2001, 3:11am
Exactly, lol

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Shame on WVRN Radio

Aug 16, 2001, 3:20am
Chris you want to know the truth I will tell you privately but I'm not going to
start this debate with you here in this NG. I personally don't want to go thru
it again but I will tell you privately everything I know about JI and what you
are going to hear you may not like but it is truth. As I have said before in
this NG, all I do is search for truth and if you want it you got it. I don't say
things that I don't believe to be true. That is against everything I stand for
but the things that man has done I can't even talk about in this NG, THAT'S how
bad it is, ok So you look me up in AW and I'll tell you everything I know. I
have nothing to be afraid of and I certainly am not going to stop telling people
the truth about anything that inevitably causes harm to many people. Case in
point, this thread. It's more than a feud Chris, alot more you don't even know.

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Kids will be kids!

Aug 14, 2001, 8:18pm
lmao I think it's funny as heck, the kids are smarter than the adults are in
this case, LOL Gor shmore, what a bunch of losers, lolol

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Kids will be kids!

Aug 15, 2001, 2:06pm
Oh no, the Gor people want to be slaves and masters remember, LOL It's a little
different than being sold as slaves to masters by your own people, LOL But then
again blacks are still slaves to their masters in Africa and they like it that
way. So maybe the Gor people should go to Africa, LOL

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Kids will be kids!

Aug 15, 2001, 8:28pm
Racist? LOL What is racist about Africans having African slaves, it still exists
over there. That's why it really amazes me that the ignorance of people that
think white people are the ones that started slavery. Slavery still exists in
Africa, China and other countries around the world where they enslave their own
people. These people's families are forever born into slavery and actually
accept it as a way of life. Chris you have alot to learn about the world and
anyone that tells me that I am racist for knowing too much obviously doesn't
know what they are talking about. It was their own people that sold their own
slaves for money to people that weren't even necessarily white that then brought
them to places around the world and sold them to people that again made them
slaves. Don't listen to the hype, all the ancestors of all the black people
who's ancestors were slaves in the U.S. were originally slaves in their own
mother country, Africa. And for the Chinese they still bring them over to the
U.S. as slaves in ships where they are full of people, some of them never make
it here due to starvation and the ones that do are put into factories where they
work to pay back the money it cost them to get here, then they are allowed to
leave and become citizens. This isn't something I'm making up, it is fact my
friend, slavery still exists for alot of people in this world even today. Sorry
to burst yor bubble *pop*

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Kids will be kids!

Aug 16, 2001, 3:09am
That's right Chris, there are lots and they have been asked if they like living
that way and they tell people they do, I guess it beats trying to find food in
the desert, LOL I saw an entire show about it on PBS I think it was. If you are
a slave you are taken care of and your family is too and you are provided with
food, clothing ect. But the fact still remains, they are still slaves to their
masters that own them. They must still do all the hard labor that their masters
don't want to do. It is what it is Chris and if anything it is the white people
that have stopped the slavery and oppression of other people, and it is their
own people that perpetuate it.

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Kids will be kids!

Aug 16, 2001, 4:29am
oh and just one more thing, how this all relates to the GOR thing. The reason
why the majority of people find it offensive is because of the slavery and
master part of this so called role playing, it is not just role playing. Some
people take this life style very seriously. For them it is not a game, it is not
role playing it is an accepted way of life for them. That is why people find it
offensive. Same reason why we find slavery anywhere it may be, offensive. I
certainly don't support it, but it is deffinitely a way of life for many people
on this Earth.

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Cy Interview by ABNtv :)

Aug 17, 2001, 10:12am
Actually add this to a pict object in AW and it will work :)
create picture update=10

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uh..NOW what's wrong with AW?

Aug 17, 2001, 7:02pm
Yep we got problems, can't get my world running :(

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uh..NOW what's wrong with AW?

Aug 17, 2001, 7:04pm
Can't login to AW now either. ugh!

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Why rebuild Cell database after crash?

Aug 18, 2001, 5:37am
I agree with Facter, no bldg. is alot different than someones build that was
already made. You can't lose something that hasn't been built yet. Thankyou for
caring :)

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Ablivion Broadcasting Network - Cancelled

Aug 20, 2001, 8:16am
From what I was told Ox64 had his connection packeted by a hacker on Saturday
nite which made it impossible for him to air the live broadcast as he intended
to do. AWTV is now run by Sgt. Noodle and there is some speculation because he
was able to be there and basically stole the show from ABNTV that there may be
some foul play there. Just coincidence, maybe not.

Ablivion Broadcasting Network - Cancelled

Aug 20, 2001, 6:20pm
No I didn't lol He was very upset about it, that ABNTV is his baby you know and
to have someone purposely do that to him was very upsetting for him and all the
hard work it took over the year to get it to where it was. Deffinitely not a
laughing matter, I hate nasty people, even Cy award winning nasty people, LOL

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Ablivion Broadcasting Network - Cancelled

Aug 21, 2001, 6:00am
Yep agreed, he just needed time to get it out and cool down, he's ok now. He
knows who his friends are. :)

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I'm Sick Of This Error Message

Aug 22, 2001, 12:36pm
Maybe some one can look at this error and see if it's a browser problem or
registry problem or something but it happens alot and I'm forced to hit ok which
closes the browser. And if it's not a browser problem how can I fix it?

AWORLD caused an invalid page fault in
module AWORLD.EXE at 017f:00422e3f.
EAX=ffff0001 CS=017f EIP=00422e3f EFLGS=00010282
EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=0076f984 EBP=00f9e74c
ECX=00000000 DS=0187 ESI=00fc8394 FS=31e7
EDX=03e880f0 ES=0187 EDI=00432240 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
39 70 04 74 0a 8b c8 8b 00 85 c0 75 f3 eb 18 85
Stack dump:
00fc8394 00422f69 00fc8394 00000018 00000004 00fc8394 0043224b 00fc8394 045a7c40
0048020f 00fc8394 045a7c40 00000001 045b47a0 00f9e74c 045a7c40

xelagon offline

Aug 22, 2001, 7:15pm
WTG Xelag, you go get em, LOL That kind of abuse is totally uncalled for and needs to follow their own rules and remove that form of it. I agree with
you 100%. Would they be so leinent if the world was XelagFukU, I would hope not,
they need to remove any offensive worlds like that, I see no difference in that
and the name they chose.

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xelagon offline

Aug 22, 2001, 7:19pm
WTG Facter, good man, Xelag has done too much for this community to be publicly
insulted by a world name like that.

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xelagon offline

Aug 22, 2001, 7:44pm
Thankyou flagg, you all did the right thing :)

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 25, 2001, 4:59am
My World, Elysium :)

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 2, 2001, 10:22am
Oh gosh here we go again, lol there are no rules in the Charter that make html
against the rules. There are people who can't seem to get that thru their thick
heads but this is the fact of the matter. Some people have News Reader programs
that do not read html, bottom line they are the ones that do not like it so try
to shuv their beliefs that it's wrong on everyone else, you have done nothing
wrong Ryan and there is no need to apologize to these goof balls, lol Using
large pictures or something might be a problem so try to keep it as low in k as
possible when you do post in html. That's just common courtesy.

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Re: Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 15, 2001, 6:42pm
Yes I know JFK and AW supports their actions and condemns yours, they are just
as guilty as you are. I for the life of me will never understand it. They
continue to let certain people do harm to this community and it must be stopped
at all costs.

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