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Where oh where are the bot programmers?

Aug 27, 2003, 11:04am
I have no idea what they're from but I've never gotten them before, and they
are clearly completely unrelated to the AW sdk.

-.Duo. (342836)
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Where oh where are the bot programmers?

Aug 27, 2003, 5:20pm
Want to hear what the linking error is then tell me what's wrong? I know its
probably something really stupid, but oh well.

-.Duo. (342836)
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Where oh where are the bot programmers?

Aug 27, 2003, 5:31pm
Besides, I was talking about myself X_X not all the programmers using the aw

-.Duo. (342836)
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Where oh where are the bot programmers?

Aug 28, 2003, 10:11am
But it isn't (-: that's the problem.

-.Duo. (342836)
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<no subject>

Aug 28, 2003, 10:42pm

<no subject>

Aug 28, 2003, 10:43pm
oops, sorry, lol.

-.Duo. (342836)
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<no subject>

Aug 28, 2003, 10:43pm

-.Duo. (342836)
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Any chance for C# wrapper? or anyone willing to work on it with me?

Sep 18, 2003, 6:22pm
And you lied to. You addressed them as 'you kids,' and the way you put it
iin the sentence was nasty.

-.Duo. (342836)
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Any chance for C# wrapper? or anyone willing to work on it with me?

Sep 19, 2003, 11:27pm
I thought you were talking about when you said "you kids crack me up LOL"

You just did it again "sorry i'm so "nasty" to you kids."

-.Duo. (342836)
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Any chance for C# wrapper? or anyone willing to work on it with me?

Sep 19, 2003, 11:28pm
wtf, you stole my comeback >:-P

-.Duo. (342836)
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Forth wrapper?

Sep 19, 2003, 11:28pm

-.Duo. (342836)
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Bye everyone

Oct 21, 2003, 12:15am
Well, my cit is expiring tommorow, and I don't use AW enough to renew, no
matter how much I've enjoyed my time on it. I have much too much homework to
play that often, and when I usually do play it ends up interfering. Maybe if
I went the way of Goober King I woudl keep using it... it sounds nice.
Anyway, thanks everyone for being a jerk to me, helping me out, or whatever
else. My e-mail is ncommons at comcast.net and my AIM screen name is
duomaxwell10388. You'll probably still catch me on these groups for a while,
and on Spiral Matrix every so often. Maybe I'll log in to AW as a tourist
every so often.

Goodbye all, friends, enemies, and others. I quite possibly will miss you

-.Duo. (342836)

P.S. Good luck with your case Technozeus.

Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 4:35pm
oh crap, I volunteered to build for you >_< heh heheh, well, I can'tdo it
now, I'm takinga quick break from lying down (I'm sick) to check stuff on my
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Help required

Aug 7, 2003, 12:46pm
Well, I'm semi-better now, so I could build for you. I need a time and place
to meet you in spiral matrix and a cit if its neccesary to help (I'll pay
for the cit if you want, your prices are nice and low (o: ).
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Xelagot 3.422 available

Aug 1, 2003, 10:43pm
Still going to leave AW?
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GKs and their Perks

Jul 3, 2003, 10:44am
Ooh! Ooh! Me!

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New Models and Sprites

Jun 7, 2003, 6:10pm
Chat logs are as much proof as screen shots. Both can be faked, and are not
credible AT ALL. Builds are no proof either, as anyone with ED can fake them
easily. There are probably worlds in AW dedicated to 100% porn.

I don't think that either of you have sufficient proof in this post, but
since you made an attack on Brock, I'll believe him.
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New Models and Sprites

Jun 7, 2003, 6:10pm
Wasn't this topic closed?
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New Models and Sprites

Jun 11, 2003, 9:40am
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good job brock

Jun 7, 2003, 6:30pm
Your brain never stops developing. The only part of the brain that isn't
fully developed until your an adult (about 20-26 though, NOT 18) is the
judgement part (but sometimes having great logic and being high stage can
overcome that). I would not call anyone wise until their reasonably old, but
not old enough to have dementia. I also think that often people who are NOT
adults tend to be smarter in many ways, but I only think that has been true
recently (to back it up, the average IQ of an adult is around 105, and the
average IQ for people under 18 is 112, and I will find the article if you
want). Rumors and such are spread by people of all ages, but young people
don't have generally don't have the judgement to know where spreading them
is worse (because spreading rumors is always bad). That's my basis for not
being mad at young people when they spread rumors.

BTW, a human brain has billions of brain cells (yeah, I know you were being
sarcastic), 2 isn't enough to process anything.

Otherwise, I agree but I don't agree >:-P

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good job brock

Jun 7, 2003, 6:31pm
Crap, I phrased half of that wrong, heh heh heh.
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good job brock

Jun 11, 2003, 10:08am
Actually, many of the people in prisons are innocent. Most of them are also
just those who could not pay taxes.

I think Brock is probably telling the truth. I think if he wasn't, Anne
wouldn't have jumped in and did an attack. The whole post was fradulent.
Also, you can see the nervousness at the end.

"Remember that day I was called into someone's PG rated world due to people
and animals av's and objects doing XXX stuff you built in there behind the
owners back?"

What proof do you have of this? Anyone in an administartive position who
disliked him could've logged into his cit and done that, even anyone with
ED. Also, studies show that often people who commit crimes show up at the
scene of the crime again afterwards (a prime example of this are arsonists,
who almost always go back and watch the fire), and if you don't see where
I'm getting at, I'll make it clear. YOU could've done it.

"Do you also remember that illegal universe you had going that had a world
dedicated to 100% porn?
I do have a chat log from that universe still...."

Here, so do I, wanna hear it? As I said, chat logs are as much proof as
pictures. They both can be faked easily, and if you actually had one, you
would've shown it. At that time it would've been semi-credible because you
can't just make a chat log as your posting... but now its as credible as an
ID without a picture. You could've made one easily in that time.

"3 people from DLP you invited in, you also fully invited me in also without
knowing LMAO good old Customs Aide bot at the gz lol"


"You Brock where going by the name Max wile inside your illegal universe,
of this ring a bell to you lol"

You can prove that as much as you can prove that he made those objects,
which is not at all.

"I wont say any names but this is the universes welcoming messages over the
short time I was in here.

Immigration Officer: Welcome to Starbeam Chativerse, if you were not invited
here, please leave immediately. If you were invited welcome, and enjoy your
Immigration Officer: Welcome to VRTV.
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Insanity, a twisted world of thoughts from
twisted people. Some things you see here you may not like, Enter at your own
Immigration Officer: Welcome to my Magic Parody, the magic you will never
see, this place is not affiliated or involved with DreamLand."

Immigration Officer: Welcome to the Wierdiverse. If you were not invited
here, please leave immediately. If you were invited welcome, and enjoy your
Immigration Officer: Welcome to CDTV.
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Evility, an evil world of stolen blood.
Enter at your own
risk, this blood has not been screened.
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Magical Cow Land, where you see lots of
magical cows! This place is not affiliated or involved with DreamLand.

Weehee! I can make welcome messages too. This proves less than the chat log

Sorry about the nastiness there )-: but that post really drives me nuts. At
this point no one has proved anything, but considering that Anne's post
looked like a frantic attack, I'm going with Brock.

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good job brock

Jun 11, 2003, 10:12am
I agree 100%. Unless you know psychology, you can't blame ANYTHING on
someone being young. Still, no proof here. Not that there is any way to
prove anything.
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good job brock

Jun 11, 2003, 10:12am
And why do you say he is lying?
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Actual Contract with AWI

Jun 11, 2003, 9:38am
The contract also doesn't say they can tag your cit >:-P
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Actual Contract with AWI

Jul 3, 2003, 9:40am
where? lol

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Jun 5, 2003, 7:26pm
If you want the best card, I suggest waiting for Radeon 9800 Pro and Geforce
FX 5900. I read a few reviews, and their performance is nearly exactly the
same. Even their price is the same. From what I've read about where the GFX
performs better, it would probably do better with AW (and its not as loud as
previous FX models, but still loud); however, the 9800 pro would probably
do better on things which put more strain on the card.

news:3edf9c8b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Actually, thats the FX5800 you're talking about, comit.
> But still, go with an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro if you can find one, or a 9700
> non-pro. They're both much better (the 9500 pro completely *stomped* the
> 5600 in GAMING benchmarks. Yeah, the same benchmarks that nVidia says are
> the only valid ones)
> Besides, ATI's drivers don't blatantly cheat ;)
> -CMM
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Aw T shirts? i want 1! i wanna be a walking blillboard for aw!

Jun 5, 2003, 12:03am
He's rude, but be nice. Your insults are a lot more harsh.
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Aw T shirts? i want 1! i wanna be a walking blillboard for aw!

Jun 5, 2003, 7:09pm
You can't just get rid of people you don't like in real life, so why should
you be able to in VR? I honestly think that what's good for AW is tolerance,
not great amounts of authority. The authority is worse for AW then people
who are rude. No one wants to go somewhere where you have greatly reduced
freedom of speech. There are people who are rude in real life, and same in
AW. You know what you do about people like that in real life? Live with the
bother. You know what you should do in AW? The same.

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Aw T shirts? i want 1! i wanna be a walking blillboard for aw!

Jul 27, 2003, 4:43pm
yup. about 60,000a year, or was that a month?
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