Dear Roman, It's a sad day.

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These pages are a copy of the official truespace forums prior to their removal somewhere around 2011.

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Dear Roman, It's a sad day. // Roundtable

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Post by trebs // May 19, 2009, 10:20pm

Total Posts: 62

I just read the news..

Caligari kick-started my career with it's weird quirky 3D software.

Software we have all loved and hated, development plans that have excited and annoyed us.

A founder with vision, sometimes we wondered if it was a chemically enhanced vision.. but still..

Roman, I have had the pleasure of meeting you and shaking your hand. Talking to you on the phone about ideas, and sharing enthusiasm. It was a day to remember.

25 years.. amazing.

Only this weekend, Bobbins and myself had tS6 open to model out some ideas!

I wish you and the team, all the very best, Yourself and Bibiana have devoted a huge part of your life to this, and your quirky customers.

I hope the journey has been worthwhile, and leads onto bigger and better things for you.

Best regards and huge respect and a big thank you from one of the quirky customers,

Rob Mitchell


Post by Bobbins // May 20, 2009, 12:54am

Total Posts: 506
I second Trebs sentiments. We did indeed have tS open last weekend to visualise a possibly very big idea (for us) - and I'm continuing to refine it in tS.

I've been to the Mothership in California, I met SiW (Simon Windmill) and Roman and I have my name in the credits at the front of the Caligari manual. A sad day indeed, but indicative of the climate and the way large companies like MS operate. is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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