Romanhouse Render

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Romanhouse Render // Archive: Tech Forum

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Post by razzaq1 // Mar 6, 2006, 1:10pm

Total Posts: 60
Hi Tecchie Wizards.

I'm still a bit overwhelmed by tS7.

It's so powerful :)

(also, my tooltips don't all show up so i'm kinda feeling around in the dark...and the pdf manual)

I have made a scene by using RomanHouse as a basis and substituting/redecorating most of the objects to get what i need.

How would I record an .avi of that?

The motion in the scene is done by pressing buttons in the link editor to start it all off and using the can as a viewpoint.

AFAIK, there is no keyframing in the KFE so how do I generate frames to record?

I suppose I could send it out the TV out then capture it and make the avi that way, but am i missing an easier way to render the motion in the scene?

Thanks for helping.

Precise instructions will be brilliant!


Abdul Razzaq

Post by noko // Mar 6, 2006, 2:50pm

Total Posts: 684
Looks interesting :). Hopefully TruePlay will be release soon and you won't need an avi. What I used to record an animation called DanceClub was a DVD recorder hooked up to my computer. I don't think you can key frame procedural animations, at least yet. I could be wrong (I hope).

Anyone knows how to keyframe procedural animations in TS7? Please let us know.

Post by Alien // Mar 6, 2006, 3:36pm

Total Posts: 1231
Anyone knows how to keyframe procedural animations in TS7? Please let us know.

Haven't tried it, but this ( may point you in the right direction.

Post by Délé // Mar 6, 2006, 6:57pm

Total Posts: 1374
There is a way to combine procedural and keyframed animation. On page 826 of the manual there is a tutorial called "Combining keyframe and procedural animations". I did go through this tutorial and got it to work.

I have not figured out how to adapt this to my own procedural animations though. I hope there will be an easier way to do this before too long. I'm really hoping that there will be a way to render out the realtime view soon too. I think there may be plans underway to do this.

Procedural animations are a blast to make and so quick and versatile.

If you're getting into procedural animations, you might want to check out the Interactive Artworks section if you haven't already. I've been trying to assemble some engines, triggers, switches and stuff that will run animations off of a timer.

Post by noko // Mar 6, 2006, 7:09pm

Total Posts: 684
Thanks Délé, your the man! I am going to have to go through that tutorial, hopefully any procedural animation can be key framed. More later.

Post by Cayenne // Mar 7, 2006, 12:37am

Total Posts: 144
Here is a description to create key frame/clips for player animated objects.

start with new scene

use dual view.

Add and dock a Scene Editor to the layout.

Locate activities base library.

Drag Mouse chasing object to the scene.

Press once on physic simulation icon in player

Expand PhysEngine object in LE.

Check save anim box.

Press activate on mouse chasing object.

Press run physim button.

Move your mouse about in the player window for car to follow mouse .

Press Deactivate mouse chase object.

Press stop physim in player.

There should now be a clip and key frames for your object in the scene editor.

I am not sure if all procedurals will pass into clips this way there may be special script cases where the information is not passed to model.

Also some objects do not also pass back the clip information from the key frames to the player window.

Also note this needs the bridge to be active and also a model view and player and Scene editor to be visible or part of layout in order to work correctly.

Post by noko // Mar 7, 2006, 4:47pm

Total Posts: 684
Thanks Cayenne,

As soon as I get a chance I am going to try all of these tutorials out. This is rather important for me. Anyways looking at the TSKeyFrame object looks to be easy to create animations from procedural animations. Just substitute the TSKeyFrame object for the timer object, the procedural animation should run like it was being controlled by timer but instead each frame number in animation will be giving imput into animation. A few math opts maybe needed to get the timing right when converting from timer to TSKeyFrame. This looks to be the easiest way so far to render procedural animations. More later.

Post by razzaq1 // Mar 8, 2006, 3:49pm

Total Posts: 60
Dear trueSpacers,

Thanks for all the great info.

I hope to get to grips with it towards the weekend, but work intervenes too much now, and i'm off on a road trip next week, filming one of the Shaykhs.

I didn't want to seem ungrateful to the forum by being mute, but will post something with trueSpace substance as soon as i get a result.

Thanks particularly to Paul A.

I loved your tutorial and absorbed quite a few valuable pointers and techniques.

I was hoping to find an answer in panel 18 'Animation', but it is such a huge subject, you could only feasably cover a short sliver of the iceberg.

Overall, I'm stoked by how much easier it is in tS7 to translate ideas quickly into satisfying models/animations.

I've been a struggler since the early days....never quite diving deep enough to get the imagined results, but with tS7 I believe that Roman has taken a major step towards making the interface more 'transparent' to the process of creation.

(just move the opacity slider that-a-way <--- heh-heh!)

I gotta getta manual too!


Abdul Razzaq

Post by noko // Mar 8, 2006, 4:33pm

Total Posts: 684
razzaq1, that is looking really good, I really would like to see it in motion. As a note, each light ball has two spotlights, which you can change the images in what they project. Just double click on the lightball object panel image to open up image browser where you can change the image. This can give very different lighting configurations real quick. You whole scene can immediately take on a new effect if you havn't experimented with that yet. Looks really impressive to me so far.

Post by razzaq1 // Mar 11, 2006, 2:38pm

Total Posts: 60
Hi all,

I tried Cayenne's procedure and was thrilled to see keyframes whizzing into the KFE.

Sadly it only captures Modeller and not Player so the resulting animation looks a bit lame. Hence I didn't post it yet.

Actually my machine crashed each time I tried to render to .avi, but when I rendered to .flc it worked fine.

The next thing I need to figure out is how to get the 'sample rate' to be higher.

The animation plays back w-a-a-y too fast even when rendered at 30 fps.

I need to have the KFE harvest more frames per second so the result looks more like what shows in the Player window.

Can I get the result from the modeler window to look like the player window's contents? (note the diff from the previously posted piccys...the first is from modeler, the second is a screen grab from player ( etc)

I HAVE ordered the manual now....air i hope to answer some of these questions myself eventually......but as our Shaykh says....You get to the destination a lot quicker if you take an experienced guide!

Thanks for your attention and interest.

Abdul Razzaq

Post by razzaq1 // Mar 19, 2006, 1:00am

Total Posts: 60
Hello again,

I posted an mp4 file of the animation in the Works in progress forum under the message Sufi Animation

I basicly pointed my mobile phone at the screen showing PLAYER

here's the link 6 megs

The work in progress forum message has more info.


Abdul Razzaq

Post by noko // Mar 19, 2006, 12:00pm

Total Posts: 684
I couldn't view the video, what codec is used? This is with media player 10.

Post by Alien // Mar 19, 2006, 12:15pm

Total Posts: 1231
I couldn't view the video, what codec is used? This is with media player 10.

.mp4 is Quicktime. If you don't want the official/original Quicktime installed on your system [who would?!], you can still view QT content with QuickTime Alternative (

Post by noko // Mar 19, 2006, 4:58pm

Total Posts: 684
Just tried with Quicktime and was a no go, also Power DVD and then DivX which says invalid Mpeg-4 format: File doesn't have an iods atom :confused: whatever that means :).


No luck in viewing your video for comment or suggestions, anyways keep up the outstanding work.

Post by Alien // Mar 19, 2006, 5:15pm

Total Posts: 1231
Just tried with Quicktime and was a no go, also Power DVD and then DivX which says invalid Mpeg-4 format: File doesn't have an iods atom :confused: whatever that means :).

Worked fine for me, but then I'm using Media Player Classic & the Quicktime Alternative codec [see my previous post for link]. If I had to guess I'd say either your version of QT is out of date or has become corrupted. Also, I think that [as with a lot of other codecs] using PowerDVD wouldn't make much difference, as it's just using the QT codec installed with QT, so if it's FUBAR in 1 prog, it'll most likely be FUBAR in all.

If you want to give QT Alternative a go, I suggest you uninstall QT & reboot before installing it.

BTW - there's also a Real Alternative as well, so you don't have to install Real One [or whatever it's called these days]. As with QTA, Real Alternative is just a codec that will work with Media Player Classic, though it's possible it may give you access to the Real codec[s] in other progs as well. is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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