Objects With Holes - Bitesize Question

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Objects With Holes - Bitesize Question // New Users

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Post by Musikman // May 17, 2009, 5:29pm

Total Posts: 88
Wanted to try making a window, or window frame hole in a simple cube.

Referenced the Bitesize Video "Objects With Holes". I just simply want to draw the two cubes, placing the smaller one inside the larger one, and boolean subtract the smaller one as in the video.(except I placed my smaller cube so it's not all the way through the larger one because I don't want a hole through, just a window frame). Why is it that in order to select back and forth between the smaller & larger cube I can't do it in the workspace screen. I have to select each brick in the LE to make it the currently selected one. When I try using the object select tool (arrow icon) in 3D view directly on each cube it won't work. Whichever one is selected stays selected unless I go to the LE. (I can tell because the object widget stays wherever it is and doesn't move.)

Not only can I not select the different cubes, even when I use the LE to select the large cube, then activate the Boolean Subtract tool and try to click on the small cube, nothing happens. This seems like a simple procedure in the video, but again, here I am posting because it's not working!:rolleyes: Must be a simple answer.....I swear sometimes it seems like I'm using a different program than you guys!! :D Suggestions??

Edit: I was able to do this fairly well on the model side, which I'm not very familiar with, but having problem with it on ws side. Can't draw the cubes in point edit mode because they become one object, ran into that problem once before, so I drew them in object mode so I would be able to select them separately, still unable to get it done.

Thank you!


Post by spacekdet // May 17, 2009, 6:25pm

Total Posts: 1360
Should be a snap, what you're trying to do.

Adjust the settings like in the following image and see if things work out better.

Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 5:34am

Total Posts: 88
Thanks for the reply Spacekdet

I tried all those settings & still not getting it to work. As you can see in the screen shot, the object widget is on the small cube. (This is just for illustration), I also tried sinking the small one into the large one to make a hole. Once the sm cube was embedded into the lg one, I then used the normal select tool and try to click directly on the large cube to select it, but the widget doesn't move to the lg cube, it stays where it is. (This happens even if the cubes are separated as in the screenshot.)

If I go to the link editor I can click on the brick for the large cube & then the widget shifts over to it. But even then, when I try to apply the boolean subtraction to the sm cube, it doesn't work. Could it have something to do with both having the same material? I don't think so , but I'm just guessing here. :rolleyes:



Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 5:41am

Total Posts: 88
As you can see in this second shot, I have the lg cube selected (had to do that using the brick in the LE). When I select the boolean subtraction tool and try to click on the small cube, nothing happens.?

Even if I had as many as ten separate objects in my workspace I should be able to click directly on any of them to select it, I shouldn't have to use the LE to do that, right? I must have a setting wrong somewhere in the panel because I didn't have a problem doing this on the model side.

Post by trueBlue // May 18, 2009, 6:21am

Total Posts: 1761
Try this script and see if it helps.
BTW: You can also use your keyboard's Right Arrow key to select objects in your scene.

Post by TomG // May 18, 2009, 6:25am

Total Posts: 3397
Are you sure they aren't all one object? Looks to me like there is yellow highlighting on both objects in the screenshot, but hard to tell due to resolution reduction.

If they are the same object (ie glued together, or second added during point edit), then this would give the behavior you describe. You can set highlighting to Object, which will put a wireframe highlight around the currently selected object, and if both show up with wireframe, then they are indeed all one object.

Note that when you point the mouse at the second object when in boolean mode, it should highlight in yellow (that's what's odd about both of these seemingly highlighted in yellow).



Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 8:13am

Total Posts: 88
I've reduced the surface opacity in this shot so you can see better. I drew each cube separately (not in PE mode), and using the bricks "Cube" and ''Cube 1" in the LE I can select each separately (using mouse), and move each independent of the other, so they're not linked together. If you can see it, whichever cube I select has a yellow outline, the one not selected has white outline. But once I move the small small one and embed it part way into the large one, if I select the large one (cube) theyre both outlined yellow, if I then select the small one (cube 1) the small one outline yellow & the large one outline turns white.

TrueBlue, I did try the keyboard arrow key and that does allow me to switch back and forth between the two, but when using the mouse, clicking on each in the 3D WS screen won't work, almost as if it's locked on to one.

What is that script for, and how do I use it/install it if I download it?

When I right click an empty space I get the "warning, one or more selected objects need to be converted to editable meshes, do you wish to continue" box. I just hit no so that way I know I'm not in PE mode. Also, when I move the smaller one so part of it is inside the larger one, then select the large one and go to the boolean subtract tool, if I then try to click on the small one nothing happens. Is the pointer supposed to change shape when I select the boolean subtract tool, because it doesn't, it remains as the usual mouse pointer (arrow). Any suggestions?

Thank you!


Post by trueBlue // May 18, 2009, 8:28am

Total Posts: 1761
The script will remove the duplicated Widgets. Just import it into the Link Editor and select the Run button. Never seen or heard of this sort of problem before and so this script may or may not help, should'nt hurt never the less. If not Reset the Default Context which should restore tS76 back to it's default settings.

Post by Breech Block // May 18, 2009, 8:39am

Breech Block
Total Posts: 844
I tried at having a go at this and having never really used Workspace before I struggled as well. So I restored all the settings back to standard and managed it straight away following the same method I'd used as if in modelside.


Edit - haha, looks like we cross-posted trueBlue.

Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 8:53am

Total Posts: 88
Where is the Reset Default Context, never used it before??

Post by Breech Block // May 18, 2009, 8:55am

Breech Block
Total Posts: 844
Just above the modelside tab.

Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 8:59am

Total Posts: 88
Ok, thanks Breech, the only thing I remember changing or doing differently is that I installed TrueBlue's camera viewer toolbar the other day. Think that might have changed a setting or something? Thought I followed the instructions ok, pretty simple to install.

Post by trueBlue // May 18, 2009, 9:01am

Total Posts: 1761
That restores the Layout BB. ;)
To Reset the Default Context look here:
Edit: Camera Viewer would not have caused any issues as you can see I have it installed as well.
I recommend you run the script first before Resetting the Default Context though.

Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 9:09am

Total Posts: 88
Ok, I reset default context and that seemed to fix it, however, TB, now I've lost your camera viewer toolbar! :D Guess I'll have to re-install it again.

Thanks guys, so far so good.....strange though! ;)

Edit: sorry TB, didn't catch the edit fast enough & reset, so guess I'll have to see what I've lost & reinstall a few things. No problem though, didn't have too much to lose anyway! :-)


Post by trueBlue // May 18, 2009, 9:10am

Total Posts: 1761
After installing the Camera Viewer you should save your Layout.

Post by Musikman // May 18, 2009, 9:16am

Total Posts: 88
I did save it last time & found it still there in the library, so I should be all set. Also the original install file still in the RSMain too.

Thanks everyone for your help on this strange one!:)

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