How do I create a material from images 6.6

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How do I create a material from images 6.6 // TS6 and Older

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Post by pkburr02 // May 15, 2006, 5:10am

Total Posts: 20
I've been trying to create a material from a texture (along with the bump map) but for some reason I just can't figure it out. I've tried following the book, but it doesn't open a box to find the image I want to use, it keeps wanting to use tS internal textures and bump maps.

Thanks in advance,


Post by stan // May 15, 2006, 5:43am

Total Posts: 1240
put this .mtl into your truespace66/library folder..then go to ..file/ load library.. open library.. load material into editor..then left click on the caligari image and the image browser will appear..

Post by GraySho // May 15, 2006, 5:55am

Total Posts: 695
Left click on the button (in the screenshot now named "caligari", below the texture preview) opens the image browser, right click opens just a standard windows dialog box (faster for folder navigation) to find the texture map.

Post by pkburr02 // May 15, 2006, 7:30am

Total Posts: 20
Thanks for the replies guys I got it, however for some reason it's not applying my material all the way around the object I've used simple cylinders to apply the material to. But it only shows around the sides of the object not the top and bottom and i've played with all the settings and still can't get it to wrap around. I've attached a screen shot from after I've resized it back down to 1.

Post by parva // May 15, 2006, 7:40am

Total Posts: 822
have the objects an UV map?
try a Box UV Map for each.

Post by spacekdet // May 15, 2006, 9:24am

Total Posts: 1360
If it doesn't work after you UV Map the objects I'd start looking for weird/bad geometry. You may need to add some edges along the sides. Triangulate a copy of one of them and see what happens.

Post by pkburr02 // May 15, 2006, 10:36am

Total Posts: 20
The UV mapping worked thanks again everyone. I would have to say the forums are one of the best parts of buying trueSpace. I'm seriously glad i picked it up now.

Post by GraySho // May 15, 2006, 10:56am

Total Posts: 695
As soon as you have to uv-map more complicated meshes you may have to rely on the forum again :D

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