Joystick in TS7.5

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Joystick in TS7.5 // Scriptorium

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Post by Wigand // May 12, 2007, 2:29am

Total Posts: 462
Emma already told me, that my joystick script will not work in TS7.5.

Did caligari change something in the scripting?

Post by TomG // May 14, 2007, 1:20am

Total Posts: 3397

Yes the scripting underwent a lot of improvements and changes. As a result some scripts will need updating - the good side of that is you can accomplish much more in scripting thanks to the fixes and improvements in there.

Do feel free to expore example scripts and documentation for changes, and to post what is no longer working, there are many fine beta testers who have explored the scripting and will be happy to help find out where things have changed that might affect your script. Norm too of course at Caligari is something of a scripint genius and is very familiar with the scripting changes.

For simplicity, I would repost the script as an attachment, so everyone knows exactly what script and version to be checking.



Post by Wigand // May 14, 2007, 6:51am

Total Posts: 462

Yes the scripting underwent a lot of improvements and changes. As a result some scripts will need updating - the good side of that is you can accomplish much more in scripting thanks to the fixes and improvements in there.


Some more hints to find the hidden easter eggs would be great. :rolleyes:

In other words: Where are the documentations of the changes in scripting?

We scripters are still waiting for exact and complete docus for every object

and parameter.


Post by ProfessorKhaos // May 14, 2007, 3:17pm

Total Posts: 622
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the joystick script make use of a 3rd party .dll ? The reason I ask is because I'm not entirely sure how compatible the .dll itself is with other applications in general and whomever helps you will need to know what you're using with your script.

If I recall, most of the script changes had to do with creating separate memory spaces for each script such that they wouldn't interfere with one another's variables and the establishment of a new VBScript brick that could contain common functions.

I do agree that per-method documentation would be a huge plus. I've already seen some significant steps in that direction by the users themselves. Personally, I find examples to be of more value than mere reference guides alone though and I think that's what you'll see more and more of. I hope we see both! :)

Post by Wigand // May 16, 2007, 7:14am

Total Posts: 462
This is the dll code:

You can see it uses DirectX7.

I found it in the internet and made some small changes.

One thing I am not sure is the "WindowFromPoint" function.

I use it to get a window handle. Maybe it is not more possible to do it

this way. If TS could give its windowhandle it would be easier to make some

interaction with dlls and other programs.

If someone has an idea, please let me know.

(Sorry, the comments are in german)

Dim DX As New DirectX7

Dim DI As DirectInput

Dim diJoystick() As DirectInputDevice


Dim JSButton() As Single

Dim Button() As Long

Dim JSDevices As Collection

Public Count

Public Devicename As String

Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" _

(lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

Private Declare Function WindowFromPoint Lib "user32" (ByVal _

xPoint As Long, ByVal IyPoint As Long) As Long

Private Type POINTAPI

x As Long

y As Long

End Type

Dim poiMaus As POINTAPI

Public Function DInput_Init(WHandle) As Boolean


Dim diEnumObjects As DirectInputEnumDeviceObjects

Dim enumDevice As DirectInputEnumDevices

Dim i As Single

On Error GoTo ErrEnd

'erstelle das DirectInput-Objekt

Set DI = DX.DirectInputCreate()

Set JSDevices = New Collection

'Auflistung aller angeschlossenen Joysticks einlesen


Count = enumDevice.GetCount

If enumDevice.GetCount = 0 Then

MsgBox "There are no joysticks.", vbInformation

Exit Function

End If

ReDim diJoystick(enumDevice.GetCount) As DirectInputDevice

ReDim JSButton(enumDevice.GetCount) As Single

'und nun pro Joystick

For i = 1 To enumDevice.GetCount

'setze Input-Objekt pro Joystick

Set diJoystick(i) = DI.CreateDevice(enumDevice.GetItem(i).GetGuidInsta nce)

'hole Produktname

JSDevices.Add enumDevice.GetItem(i).GetProductName

Devicename = enumDevice.GetItem(i).GetProductName & " " & i

'setze DirectInput DatenFormat auf Joystick

diJoystick(i).SetCommonDataFormat DIFORMAT_JOYSTICK

'setze cooperative Level ???

GetCursorPos poiMaus

WHandle = WindowFromPoint(poiMaus.x, poiMaus.y)

diJoystick(i).SetCooperativeLevel WHandle, DISCL_BACKGROUND Or DISCL_EXCLUSIVE

'hole Fähigkeiten des Joysticks

diJoystick(i).GetCapabilities Caps

'irgendwelche Fähigkeiten hat der Joystick hoffentlich

If Caps.lFlags Then

'hole Button-Auflistung vom Joystick

Set diEnumObjects = diJoystick(i).GetDeviceObjectsEnum(DIDFT_BUTTON)

'wieviele Button hat der Joystick

JSButton(i) = diEnumObjects.GetCount

ReDim Button(i, diEnumObjects.GetCount)



Set diEnumObjects = Nothing

End If

Next i

DInput_Init = True

Exit Function


' MsgBox "Direct Input could not be initialised!" & vbCr & _

' "", vbExclamation

' DInput_Init = False

End Function

Public Function JSX(Devicenumber)

Dim JoystickState As DIJOYSTATE

On Error Resume Next

'stelle Verbindung her


'mache Daten verfügbar


'hole aktuelle Daten

diJoystick(Devicenumber).GetDeviceState Len(JoystickState), JoystickState

JSX = (JoystickState.x - JOYSTICKCENTERED)

End Function

Public Function JSY(Devicenumber)

Dim JoystickState As DIJOYSTATE

On Error Resume Next

'stelle Verbindung her


'mache Daten verfügbar


'hole aktuelle Daten

diJoystick(Devicenumber).GetDeviceState Len(JoystickState), JoystickState

JSY = (JoystickState.y - JOYSTICKCENTERED)

End Function

Public Function JSZ(Devicenumber)

Dim JoystickState As DIJOYSTATE

On Error Resume Next

'stelle Verbindung her


'mache Daten verfügbar


'hole aktuelle Daten

diJoystick(Devicenumber).GetDeviceState Len(JoystickState), JoystickState

JSZ = (JoystickState.z - JOYSTICKCENTERED)

End Function

Public Function copyright()

copyright = "This ActiveXDll is adapted from VBFun by M.Ehrhardt in 20070129. No warranty, use by your own risk"

End Function

Public Function CheckButton(Devicenumber, Buttonnumber)

Dim JoystickState As DIJOYSTATE

On Error Resume Next

'stelle Verbindung her


'mache Daten verfügbar


'hole aktuelle Daten

diJoystick(Devicenumber).GetDeviceState Len(JoystickState), JoystickState

If JoystickState.buttons(Buttonnumber) > 0 Then

CheckButton = True


CheckButton = False

End If

End Function

Public Function JSPOV(Devicenumber)

Dim JoystickState As DIJOYSTATE

On Error Resume Next

'stelle Verbindung her


'mache Daten verfügbar


'hole aktuelle Daten

diJoystick(Devicenumber).GetDeviceState Len(JoystickState), JoystickState

JSPOV = (JoystickState.POV(0)) ' - JOYSTICKCENTERED)

End Function is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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