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cy awards // User Search
cy awards // User SearchThe Cy Awards RestructureFeb 21, 2003, 5:35pm
Dear Activeworlds CommunitY,
The Cy Awards is undergoing a total restructure including the web pages and world, rules and procedures...etc...etc. at .. Weebo, Cyberwitch, and AlphaBit Phalpha will take on the positions of "Cy Directors". As new rules and procedures are formulated they will be posted here and at the Cy home pages. If you have any questions, suggestions, or constructive criticism, please email cyawards at . All past issues are being taken into consideration and hopefully most can be implemented into the new structure and format. Sincerely, The Cy Awards:) The Cy Awards RestructureFeb 27, 2003, 8:34pm
Categories can be renamed.
Actually we are working on redoing categories also and will ask for ideas in a lil bit. [View Quote] Cy Awards Rules PageFeb 21, 2003, 6:28pm
Dear Activeworlds CommunitY,
We have just uploaded the rules page for the Cy Awards. Please make sure you check them out before starting any builds for this years entries. One major change is the world rating participation. Adult themed world owners, please check this out. We are sorry we have had to make a choice, and we truly hope there will be no negative or disparaging comments towards the adult worlds. They are both beautiful and have wonderful folks in them:) Sincerely, The Cy Awards:) Gaurdian's Stairs?Mar 25, 2003, 11:04pm
Does anyone know where I can find that gorgouse stair set Gaurdian made
years ago? They were a 4 piece set that was a grandballroom looking staircase. Also I happened across the following in my search:) Gaurdian's Stairs?Mar 28, 2003, 7:10pm
Are they wide at the bottom and then tapers towards the top with a one step
piece at the very bottom and seperate rail on both sides? Which world? Av99 wasn't the ones I was looking for. Maybe it was Grover that made them? I know the modellers name began with a Thanks though:) [View Quote] Gaurdian's Stairs?Mar 28, 2003, 7:11pm
New Cy Awards RestructureFeb 21, 2003, 5:35pm
Dear Activeworlds CommunitY,
The Cy Awards is undergoing a total restructure including the web pages and world, rules and procedures...etc...etc. at .. Weebo, Cyberwitch, and AlphaBit Phalpha will take on the positions of "Cy Directors". As new rules and procedures are formulated they will be posted here and at the Cy home pages. If you have any questions, suggestions, or constructive criticism, please email cyawards at . All past issues are being taken into consideration and hopefully most can be implemented into the new structure and format. Sincerely, The Cy Awards:) Cy Awards Rules PageFeb 21, 2003, 6:27pm
Dear Activeworlds CommunitY,
We have just uploaded the rules page for the Cy Awards. Please make sure you check them out before starting any builds for this years entries. One major change is the world rating participation. Adult themed world owners, please check this out. We are sorry we have had to make a choice, and we truly hope there will be no negative or disparaging comments towards the adult worlds. They are both beautiful and have wonderful folks in them:) Sincerely, The Cy Awards:) |