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jm // User Search
jm // User SearchRC=43 (invalid Password) problemMar 9, 1999, 8:35pm
I managed to build the sample DJ bot with BC++ 5.0
(I used an aw.def to feed the compiler with that kind of sentence : IMPORT _aw_init=aw.aw_init _aw_string=aw.aw_string ..... ), it runs through all the sequence until it stopped at the aw_login call with the "Invalid Password" reason code, although I feeded the command line with my citizen number and my password. (I tried it several time under the browser and it worked). What have I done wrong ? It passed the aw_init calls correctly it seemed. I really don't know what's wrong. Is there anyone to help me please ? Note : I tried to run the AWSDKJava, using the same aw.dll I downloaded from activeworlds yesterday, and it stopped for the same reason. I suspect a problem with my citizen number. How do I know which one it is ? Thanks for your replies. JM RC=43 (invalid Password) problemMar 10, 1999, 4:07pm
It's my usual password, I'm using to enter into AW. Is there any
other ? BaudWalker a écrit dans le message <36e5adcc.0 at homer>... >which password are you using? Should be your privilege password. > [View Quote] RC=43 (invalid Password) problemMar 11, 1999, 9:43pm
Thank you very much. I tried to do what you explained this night ... and it
worked ! I was lacking the privilege password as you said. Andras Sarkozy a écrit dans le message <36E6E7DF.99CCC750 at>... > >Options/Citizen/Privilege Password field >Andras > JM ---- |