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Re: AW improvements list @ for those

May 4, 2000, 12:21am
Good point, especially considering bots can now change objects! An SDK program that replaced AW's object properties window would be VERY helpful! Anyone up for creating it? The URL to my new design is at

[View Quote] > but i will say this the new object interface proposed on site is awesome..
> maybe post a url to that part in the bots section so some bot maker can try
> makeing one in a bot interface well or plugin

[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Linux bots?

May 20, 2000, 9:43am
Are there any bots that can run on Linux? Considering some world servers are run on Linux it would also be nice to have a bot or 2 running along with them. Perhaps some of the Windows-based bots could be Linux-runable but with the Windows GUI to control them.

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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bot server

Jun 4, 2000, 11:09pm
Since XelaG doesn't seem like he's going to release his bot server, I'll make a request here. I want to run bots remotely alongside world servers. Now while Linux bot servers may not be possible at this time, Win9x/NT ones should be. It would be nice to be able to control the bots through a GUI (like Faber's Preston's would be good) but have the actual bot run with the world server. Ideally the bots should be integrated INTO the world server and/or AW itself but the bot server will have to suffice for now. Any takers?

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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bot server

Jun 6, 2000, 7:19pm
Java? Can we say S-L-O-W? Bots don't need to be any slower than they already are, and I've had enough experience with Java to know that it's the epitome of slowness. Just say NO to Java. I want a bot server that runs on an ADEQUATE programming language like C or even C++. Anyway, I'm not a programmer, hence why I'm asking about bot servers here.

[View Quote] > For your information AWJavaBots
> runs on a servlet and can be programmed in javascript using a web browser.
> However, this (open source) application will require spending sometime doing some javaprogramming
> if you want to do something serious.
> You can try the technology at:
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Re: AW improvements list @ for those

May 4, 2000, 12:21am
Good point, especially considering bots can now change objects! An SDK program that replaced AW's object properties window would be VERY helpful! Anyone up for creating it? The URL to my new design is at

[View Quote] > but i will say this the new object interface proposed on site is awesome..
> maybe post a url to that part in the bots section so some bot maker can try
> makeing one in a bot interface well or plugin

[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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bot-AW integration (was Re: Proposal: Being able to stand on moving

Jun 7, 2001, 5:45pm
I would hope so. I tire of having to rely on bots for more and more functionality that SHOULD be (and should HAVE been) implemented into AW itself in the first place.

[View Quote] > who said it was a bot...he said it would be in the actual program, am i
> right?

[View Quote] > robots know nothing about the moving objects.
> knowledge about the moving object.

bots & user/world counts (was Re: Forwarded Post)

Dec 19, 2000, 6:24pm
How can a bot tell the difference between a unique citizenship and multiple accounts? How can it tell if a world is paid for?

[View Quote] > Thought this might interest some people... Originally posted at
> Posted by Syzygy on 12/18/2000, 4:55 pm
> Someone asked me about the "numbers" that AWcom did not want the investors to see ... this is part of a msg from 2000-11-17:
> -------------------------------
> Here is the output from the two new bots I have written. They count the number of paying citizens and worlds ...
> ***
> 11470 of 33329 users are paying for citizenships.
> 964 of 2313 worlds are paid for by users.
> ***
> Criteria:
> 1) Expire date is not "never"
> 2) Expire date is later than "now" (not expired yet)
> 3) Owner e-mail does not contain ""
> 4) "trial" not found in Comments (worlds only)
> -------------------------------
> I don't know about "millions" of users, but as of a month ago there were only 11,000 active (paying) Citizens, and less than 1,000 worlds generating revenue.
> AWcom has a Serious Problem with retaining their customer base ... but each year there's a fresh crop of newbies to pony-up 20 bucks for something "kewl", so who cares if they renew after their first year? It's like that acne cream ... it doesn't work, it never has, but there's always a new generation to sucker with the promise of a cure. :-)
> What's Really Bogus in AW's case is that they leave all of the property built by Citizens who expired over two years ago (like "elvis") and retain their names so that people will *think* that there is a higher population density ... there are objects in AW that have been around since 1995 that still show the owner's name, even though they are Long Gone.
> The "Official" reason for keeping all these names and objects is, "Just in case they come back a year later, see their stuff is still there, and they can renew their citizenship with their old name and number." As if! :-)
> Let's see, 11,000 paid citizens time $20 equals $220,000 in annual income (assume that new citizens offset the ones who don't renew after their first year) ... how many salaries (and how much rent) can they pay with that? No, I don't think they'd want the public investors to see those numbers!
> "Dead men tell no tales." That is, like, so Old Paradigm ... you can no longer just cover up Bad News by getting rid of the person who found the skeleton in the closet. :-)
> -=DAH=-

terrain bot

Jul 21, 2004, 9:11pm
Is there a bot (or something) that can put a hole in a terrain cell as a user approaches it from a specified distance? I don't like using terrain (see ) and would like a way for it to disappear (to be replaced with objects) as an avatar gets closer to it (automatically detected via visibility setting would be ideal, but I'll take even a set distance at this point). This may get tricky if multiple avs are near the same terrain cell (maybe terrain can be modified on a per-user basis?) but who knows...

New AW programming site

Mar 24, 2006, 12:16pm
I think a better place for this would be the AW Wiki:

[View Quote]

bot-AW integration (was Re: Proposal: Being able to stand on moving

Jun 7, 2001, 5:45pm
I would hope so. I tire of having to rely on bots for more and more functionality that SHOULD be (and should HAVE been) implemented into AW itself in the first place.

[View Quote] > who said it was a bot...he said it would be in the actual program, am i
> right?

[View Quote] > robots know nothing about the moving objects.
> knowledge about the moving object.

The bird bot

Aug 3, 2001, 11:43pm
Yes, bots are VERY silly in and of themselves. They should be integrated into AW (at least as plug-ins) and not require an external program to run. Too bad Roland can't think this modularly...

[View Quote] > I think the "bird bot" should only count as one bot.... because when i log
> them in i can't log in my preston it says "you can not have any more bots
> online"
> I think its silly! and i wish they would fix it!

The bird bot

Aug 4, 2001, 3:42am
Most, if not all, bot functions can (and should) be integrated into AW. Since Roland doesn't have enough time (or "priority"--read, go-ahead from his mindless masters Rick and JP), bots should instead be plug-ins controlled through well-designed, comprehensive GUIs (ala Preston, which needs a bit of work, mind you). Anyway, once the base GUI "control panel" was in place, any "bot plug-in" would work since it would just mean new text strings, perhaps a new dialog or 2 (or 3 or 4), etc.

The POINT of plugins are so that external programs aren't required to run, which suck up more memory, CPU, and hard drive space. It's SUCH a horrendous design to require external programs running alongside the main program in order to get added functionality--and it's not like the bots are compatible with each other either. I had (have) an idea for modular bots that no one wanted to listen to either, which is why we have the bot mess we do today: redundant commands, crappy GUIs, and complex, confusing script languages. Blah--it's all shit. I only use Preston and even it sucks a lot of the time: lag, crashing, hanging, lack of functionality, etc, etc.

Just make the fucking bots plugins and be done with it already. Fucking's like people can't even THINK creatively or something anymore...

[View Quote] > Bots aren't silly, they are a key part to the overall look, feel and
> functionality of many worlds. Bots require no visual component by
> definition - i.e. they have no need for a dependancy on the browser - so why
> make them a plugin of the browser?
> Ryan obviously doesn't understand what the concepts are behind bots and I'm
> afraid you may be missing the point here also Eep.
[View Quote]

terrain bot

Jul 21, 2004, 9:11pm
Is there a bot (or something) that can put a hole in a terrain cell as a user approaches it from a specified distance? I don't like using terrain (see ) and would like a way for it to disappear (to be replaced with objects) as an avatar gets closer to it (automatically detected via visibility setting would be ideal, but I'll take even a set distance at this point). This may get tricky if multiple avs are near the same terrain cell (maybe terrain can be modified on a per-user basis?) but who knows...


May 2, 2000, 6:33am
I would be happy if AW's world options remembered custom colors instead of resetting them all to black every time AW restarts...

And even better would be to link background colors to certain background pics so I don't have to go manually reentering the colors...

[View Quote] > Nah, I still think the browser needs it. Im gonna spend money on a graphics
> program just to match colors, I think ROLAND should spend his time wisely and
> consider both our wishes.
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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AW improvements list @ for those who

May 2, 2000, 12:37am

Let me know if you want anything added or updated.

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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AW improvements list @ for those who

May 4, 2000, 12:21am
Good point, especially considering bots can now change objects! An SDK program that replaced AW's object properties window would be VERY helpful! Anyone up for creating it? The URL to my new design is at

[View Quote] > but i will say this the new object interface proposed on site is awesome..
> maybe post a url to that part in the bots section so some bot maker can try
> makeing one in a bot interface well or plugin

[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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I wish Roland could get some help ;o)

May 8, 2000, 10:26pm
HamFon is...

[View Quote] > Poor Roland, he's AW's only hope.....WOW can't someone help him? ;o)

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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I wish Roland could get some help ;o)

May 28, 2000, 7:02pm
Bingo! This is what all those marketing suits just don't seem to understand--or at least AWCI's anyway... Do Rick and JP need $160K/year salaries? Did they need to move into new offices with a "company" of only 10 people that only started recently making an (unaudited) profit? The logic does not follow...

[View Quote] > Still.... AWCI is a public company, theyre nearly 100% computer related (besides
> like, Tshirts), and they have 2 programmers. Spend that newfound money on hiring
> programmers, not advertising- If you advertise your asses off and the product's not
> good, nobody's gonna buy it. But if you make the product good and advertise a
> little bit, youve got it made.
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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I like your new web site, Eep!

May 8, 2000, 11:57pm
Er, which new website? I haven't made any new ones recently. ;) But thanks for the compliment anyway.

[View Quote] > Looking it over, looks good, and awfully optimistic for you :o).

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Large object support

May 27, 2000, 8:54pm
Uh, how can you even see it beyond 120m? What's the point of it being so big?

[View Quote] > I have some landscape objects about 500 x 500 meters big in Mandalay (or
> actually right outside) which have become solid with AW 3.0 so I now can
> walk on them without falling through.
> For an example visit the swamp at 50n 0e in Mandalay - the ground North from
> there (utside the building limit) is one giant object.
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Large object support

May 28, 2000, 8:34pm
Again, what's the point if no one can even GET to your world's edge? It's bad enough you don't allow bypassing collision detection, flying, and local teleports in your world...

[View Quote] > The point is that we can see the entire object no matter how big it is as long as
> the anchor (x=y=z=0) point of the object is within our visiblity limit. I once made
> an island with the anchor point offset 1,5 km outside the model and was thus able
> to have an island near the horizon, 1,5 km outside my world but clearly visible.
> New with AW 3.0 is that we actually can walk on these large objects, as long as we
> are within 120 meters from the anchor point. I use large landscapes to expand my
> worlds so they look like they continue hundreds of meters (and even kilometers)
> utside their building limits.
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Large object support

May 29, 2000, 9:03am
Swell, but try providing a teleport so I don't have to be bothered wandering all over your user-UNfriendly world, eh?

You also need to fix your sprites so they're non-solid for AW3ers.

Until AW is programmed to be more like a game, I wouldn't recommending making people feel trapped and restricted by your poorly designed environment and navigation limitations.

[View Quote] > Several visitors have managed to get to the edge and even beyond. Look for some more detailed info in my latest answer to ingiebee.
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Large object support

May 29, 2000, 7:20pm
[View Quote] > I recently visited Mandalay and its the best world i ever encountered on aw.

Uh huh...

> The non-local teleports and forced collision detection with buildings and avatars are a must for
> this world, as its really designed to be "real".

How real is it to get stuck at GZ, unable to move? How real is it to keep reteleporting to the world (not just hitting the back/forward arrows) only to encounter the same thing? At the very least, shift should be enabled. But, you're right, I won't be visiting again anytime soon until you learn how to design it to be more user-friendly. :)

Back to world design 101 with ya!

[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Re: Eep's Prelight :)

May 21, 2000, 12:12pm
What would be even better would be to be able to build actual lights instead of faking it with prelighting and textures. Hopefully AW 3.1 according to Roland...along with DirectSound from HamFon...

[View Quote] > I was just thinking... (I know thats not normal procedure! :) )
> Wouldn't it be nice if you could operate a Prelight command within the
> browser using Tag's, much the same way you use tag's with the animate
> and/or texture command.
> Then you would merely need to Tag your objects and add prelight to the
> areas you want :)
> .. just a silly little thought...

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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May 22, 2000, 9:32am
[View Quote] > I've made ding dong mistakes, mostly deleting something accidentally or
> moving something (not as bad) that I didn't want to delete/move and wished
> there were a delete button, how bout that one?

Perhaps you mean undo button?

> Also multiple duplicate would also be nice

Already possible in AW3. What'd I want is multple object action/description field editing.

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Animated Objects

Jun 15, 2000, 2:02pm
Just make alternate tree objects tilted slightly (depending on what kind of tree: sprite, more complex model, etc) and then set the tree objects moving in an animation like I have the bouncing globe in Cubed and moving spotlights in Hole do (although the animation tends to get screwed up a lot :/ ).

[View Quote] > awsome idea, was trying to figure out how to make "wind" in the trees

[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Variable hearing distance world setting.

Jun 11, 2000, 12:09am
AW's sound system is LONG overdue for a change, but rest assured: HamFon told me a month or so ago that he's rewritten it in DirectSound (which allows multiple sounds playing at the same time, better fading and mixing, etc) and it should be in AW 3.1 (whenever that'll come out...probably at least 6 months)--supposedly it wasn't included in AW3 because it still needs work and Roland felt it was too much with AW3's other features to test properly--AW3 beta is taking too long as it is anyway!

[View Quote] > It would be nice if the hearing distance could be set on the server.
> This makes an easier and more realistic roleplay.
> I would like to set the hearing distance between 1 and unlimited range if it
> could be done.

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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More variables =)

Jun 11, 2000, 2:32am
No, but a better idea would be able to specify "chat range groups" or something where, much like the phone bots--but without requiring them (I never DID like the idea of separate programs which AW should've had implemented into itself in the first place!), people could go out of AW's current chat range yet still get each other's messages. Another way to think of chat is like on a telephone/CB, so the realism aspect of such long-range communication in AW is not tainted. Another way for this to work could be for AW to automatically telegram the people that were in range and the sender's message didn't reach them.

[View Quote] > Think of it as real life. If someone's speaking even in a yell, can you hear
> em clearly 50 meters away?
[View Quote] -- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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Open Source Development

Jun 15, 2000, 8:39pm
AW open source COULD work, but AWCI can barely manage itself and AW's development spec (which isn't much, if anything, but a list of things that'd be cool to have implemented--i.e. The List™). Until Rick and JP get off this wanna-be "e-commerce" trip and start focusing AW's development more on entertainment and gaming, AW will continue to flounder about like it has been for all of its life.

[View Quote] > I wonder why for Open-Source projects always only the successful ones are given as an example. The
> most known bad example is Mozilla. Until yet, that group can not deliver. If they ever do, they will
> deliver late, incomplete (licensing), <IMHO>and from what the beta shows, pretty ignorant regarding
> at least one of the main systems they need to run on (i.e. Windows.) </IMHO>
> Anyway, Open Source works only either if the project is small enough (that was the case for the open
> source "prototype", fetchmail, but its not the case with AW) or if many decent programmers are
> interested in developing it (which was the case initially for Mozilla, but not anymore, and which is
> for sure not the case for AW).
> I think the linux success is driven by one single goal: overtake windows. That goal is shared by all
> linux participants. Windows is the enemy. If there is no such goal, then there is no group focussing
> on it, everyone will have his/her own set of targets and priorities. I suspect if Windows fell
> behind, Linux would suffer from that. Add this one to the reasons why Mozilla failed (when it
> startet IE was not advanced enough to provide a feature and quality level goal for every
> participant, now it would, but the inertia is gone).
> An AW Open-Source would not even have this kind of focusing from the start. I like reality, others
> like shoot-em up.. etc etc
> It might be tempting to try and find a way which incorporates "best of both worlds", i.e. a
> Management that sets goals and causes focussing, and thousands of programmers that do not ask for
> pay. But didn't Netscape try exaclty that ? (and yes, Netscape was critized for doing so)
[View Quote]

A Better Wish List System

Jun 13, 2000, 9:40pm

[View Quote] > To keep track of wishes to avoid duplication and loss. Any suggestions?

-- - Active Worlds, Tomb Raider, 3D game comparison, The Sims
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