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mediaone // User Search
mediaone // User Searchlanguage filters and moreOct 9, 1998, 11:04pm
I think it would be better for all age groups if you could set language
filters. You enter words you don't want to see spoken and they are replaced by underscores in hte chat box. THis is an advanced form of mute, either have it on all time or have it in hte Mute/Add to contacts menu. I may be weird, but i think it would be fun to have "shoot-outs." In a special world, (avs are cowboys) EJECT is everybody and it is automatically set to 5 minutes. You try to eject everyone-try to get a clear shot! THere would be schedules, and the bystanders are protected by glass so they can't be booted. In thois world the EJECT action has a gunshot-scream sound effect. Finally, jails are a good idea. (For all nasty people haning on AW- for example, the infamous King Punisher.) They are special wall objects, impervious to hte jail world local teleports are off. (In my highest-flying idea there is a timed lock in the jail cell.) P.S. Congratulations on the world rating system COF! I praise you for it. A NEEDED FEATURE! pardon my yellingOct 10, 1998, 12:46am
I think that what we need is an option that shows all locations we've built
in. All sites more than 20 cells apart are shown. Now that houses in 1.0...etc. can all be found! And I'm the guy who wrote about language filters, in case you were wondering. And anyone who chooses against this: :b :P :( 8( |