Video , Is it possible to Capture good video in AW? (Community)

Video , Is it possible to Capture good video in AW? // Community

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Apr 14, 2000, 8:54am
Hi AW'rs,
I have tried to make clear Video in AW of what I have built and find it
very difficult. I have a 4 meg ATI Rage2+ Video Card, with TV fuction. I
used a shareware,shelfware called SnagIt in my attempt and the problems I encounter are 1. It won't do
sound. avatar dosn't run smoothly while snag it is running and I end up
with a bouncy video. How can I get my Avatar to move smoothly? Like how
can I get avatar to take 2steps and stop. or three steps and stop? move up 2
possitions and stop, and move angle of view smoothly I would love to have
the effect of flyby's.
I also tried the TV out feature directly to a VCR but it was too fuzzy for
me. This did a real time video with sound which if it were clear enough I
could make it into a Web Video. I'm planning on upgrading my Video Card and
that may solve some problems.
So has anyone got a better method? Does anyone have any AW video on a
website I could take a look at? My samples are too large( I connect at
49333bps), and too chopy to bother uploading for now. Thanyou,

chris waddell

Apr 15, 2000, 3:35am
I can look for an Aw friend who had a kewl program i lost, and I can
never remember the name (dang it).
if you can get ahold of a AveryKey, they transfer CPU to Video crisp.
but they are expensive.

I'll see if I can get a hold of the program i used to use, for you!


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Apr 16, 2000, 12:31am
Lotus Screen cam should be able to do this for you. I bvelieve the
addy is

On 14 Apr 2000 06:54:00 -0400, "zoberguy" <zoberguy at>
stood up and loudly proclaimed:

>Hi AW'rs,
> I have tried to make clear Video in AW of what I have built and find it
>very difficult. I have a 4 meg ATI Rage2+ Video Card, with TV fuction. I
>used a shareware,shelfware called SnagIt in my attempt
> and the problems I encounter are 1. It won't do
>sound. avatar dosn't run smoothly while snag it is running and I end up
>with a bouncy video. How can I get my Avatar to move smoothly? Like how
>can I get avatar to take 2steps and stop. or three steps and stop? move up 2
>possitions and stop, and move angle of view smoothly I would love to have
>the effect of flyby's.
> I also tried the TV out feature directly to a VCR but it was too fuzzy for
>me. This did a real time video with sound which if it were clear enough I
>could make it into a Web Video. I'm planning on upgrading my Video Card and
>that may solve some problems.
>So has anyone got a better method? Does anyone have any AW video on a
>website I could take a look at? My samples are too large( I connect at
>49333bps), and too chopy to bother uploading for now. Thanyou,


Apr 16, 2000, 12:31am
Hi thanks for responding.
I looked up AveryKey and I saw a reference to Mac's, I have a PC so it
may not apply. I already have the abiltiy to use a TV screen instead of a
monitor, I think AveryKey does this but So far the method and the
equipment I have gives me poor resolution so capturing Video Tape from it
gave me poor resolution too.
I even tried using a camcorder to record the monitor but I couldn't get
it in synch and had scan lines interfering. Darn it, so close, it would
make a great copy to work from. If I could get it set right. If it is
The final result I want is MPEG movie or AVI. I just want it clear
and not this choppy motion I get. So capturing directly to MPEG or AVI from
the AW browser would be great.

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chris waddell

Apr 16, 2000, 11:22am
the averys we use at work, we are using with pc not mac.
and they work very well (dependant on vcr/tape qualities) though as i
said expensive.
I am still waiting for my friend to get back to me.
thanx for hangin in!

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Apr 16, 2000, 11:22am
HyperCam works good...I forgot the URL...

chris waddell

Apr 16, 2000, 5:25pm
yup itsa hypercam! thank you TRC!
Addy is:

its a trial but works great, its only $30 to purchase!
have fun, hope it works like ya need it to!

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Apr 17, 2000, 9:53pm
Hi, Thanks for the links , I tried the Hypercam, so far I am not able to
get it to work well but I will give it a few more tries. With SnagIt I
just found I can capture raw video and the my frame rate has increased
conciderably I am still not able to move my avatar smoothly as I am
capturing. I may try Lotus ScreenCam next. Hovy

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