Mr.Bones on the Trap Kit

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Mr.Bones on the Trap Kit // TS6 and Older

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Post by mrbones // Jan 29, 2006, 3:55pm

Total Posts: 1280
Bones playing Drums. Rendered in 6.0 Special thanks to Bill (neo) Nuemann for rendering and postwork!

Post by Nez // Oct 9, 2006, 3:21am

Total Posts: 1102
That's pretty cool!

There's something a little odd happening with the shadows in the second image, as it appears the stands are floating above the ground? Just a stange side effect I think...

If you wanted to make it look a bit more realistic (rather than 'cartoon-ish') it would be worth having a look at a few websites showing real drums (e.g. to see how things like the racks, lugs and mounting systems go together as those are a little unreaslitic on the model - not that detracts at all (I just happen to be a drummer, so they're a bit more obvious to me). If you'd like some specific photos I can probably find a few if that would be useful.

I did some drums myself some years ago - see below - and keep promising myself that I should get round to doing a better set now I know a bit more about how they go together.

I'm new on the forum - do I assume you've done other images featuring 'Bones'? Would like to see them...

Post by mrbones // Oct 9, 2006, 4:30am

Total Posts: 1280
Nice Drums there Nez,

Thanks for the comments and sugestions.

I not have many Mr. Bones images, But I may have a couple of animations somewhere.


That's pretty cool!
There's something a little odd happening with the shadows in the second image, as it appears the stands are floating above the ground? Just a stange side effect I think...
If you wanted to make it look a bit more realistic (rather than 'cartoon-ish') it would be worth having a look at a few websites showing real drums (e.g. to see how things like the racks, lugs and mounting systems go together as those are a little unreaslitic on the model - not that detracts at all (I just happen to be a drummer, so they're a bit more obvious to me). If you'd like some specific photos I can probably find a few if that would be useful.
I did some drums myself some years ago - see below - and keep promising myself that I should get round to doing a better set now I know a bit more about how they go together.

I'm new on the forum - do I assume you've done other images featuring 'Bones'? Would like to see them... is a privately held community resource website dedicated to Active Worlds.
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