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bille // User Search
bille // User SearchEjection identification - Put to TOP of listMay 24, 1998, 11:58pm
I agree that the person that gets ejected doesn't neccesarily need to know *who*
did it, the reason why is the most important. If I was a GK/PK adding my nick to such a message might have coursed me hesitate a little too often before using the eject function. Especially if you need to eject a "respected" user, or even someone you know, it would be easier to do it if your nick is kept on some record but not given to the user. The person ejected should get to know what GK number that ejected her/him, for future references if needed. Bille [View Quote] > Good idea. This could also help some people to figure out what they need to > do (or avoid doing) in the future to prevent repeted ejections. If anyone > has a problem with giving the name of the person who did the ejecting, > perhaps an alternative would be to log the name and reason (in an eject log > on the server) but only show the person being ejected the reason, and not > the name. > > TechnoZeus > [View Quote] -- Bille -----oo------------------------- Bille's World: Bille in AlphaWorld: Pink Village, 2222s 2222e 222 Ejection identification - Put to TOP of listMay 25, 1998, 2:47pm
Tjaaa...:)) I was more thinking that the reason *why* a person is ejected should be
more imprtant than *who* did it. Anyway - if the ejected person feels that the treatment was unfair, it should of course be possible for GK org to look up in some logg who that was responsible for the ejection. But as I see it, the GK's should act as a group, which means you really don't need to get to know the person's name. If the ejected person wants to complain, the complaint should be handled by the GK's as a group, and not by the single GK. I don't know their policy too well, but I'm sure they have some instructions. And if they behave in a bad way, it's their instructions that should be improved. I'm not sure how many GK's are on duty at the same time, but I believe that if a GK is there alone, I'd like to know that (s)he should never be inhabil. If her/his nick is revealed there might apear situations where the GK - if (s)he is threated(?) choses *not* to eject because (s)he is aware of any personal herrassments that might be the result of it. And if the PK ejects *because it's cool to show them who is in charge of ejecting* the the whole function seams meaningless to me. Hehe... If you were ejected for a good reason, it should not be any important to you to know who did it - unless you want a revenge...:))) Bille [View Quote] > mmm... i disagree bille, hen jecting people, you have to stand by your own opinion. > Even if the person is a respected citizen, it is better to let them know who is > ejecting them jsut for that reason. Hiding behind anonymity is useless, i mean, I > cannot see hopw it would be okay to eject a less well known person usign your anme, > than it would be to eject a more well known person without your name. . ..Im not > attacking yourself personally, but, if Im ejecting someone, anyone, I'd like exactly > who im ejecting to know it was me. > > ie, if i was to eject Catzy or such from the gate, I'd want her to know it was me > Catzy: you have been ejected from The Gate by Facter [ catzy ya silly twat, shuddup > ] =) > > etc etc. That way, the ejection can be what it is MEANT to be, a simple matter of > "timeout", with no real repercussion but for the person to chill out an maybe think > about what they were doing to GET ejected, NOT what it's being used for, which is a > form of *punishment*. > > Punishment never solves anything, ever ever ever. > > Fac. > [View Quote] -- Bille -----oo------------------------- Bille's World: Bille in AlphaWorld: Pink Village, 2222s 2222e 222 AlphaWorld "Wishlist"Mar 17, 1999, 2:52pm
Ok, so what you say is that any good suggestions at this time, would actually be a
*bad* suggestion, since you'd rather like to spend more time on the bot topic... hey - wake up... if YS did *not* ask for wishes now, I'm sure that after you eventually become tired of discussing the bots, you would critisize the company for not paying enough attention to the users' wishes... see... it's much better if they suggest the good stuff *after* it has been critisized by the users... phew... Anyway... don't you think that most ppl are able to suggest new objects *and* critisize the ejection bots? [View Quote] > <snip> Nevertheless, I find a bit obscene to consider now which new objects we > need, when we are losing to important figures of our community (after so many > others). I prefer to put pritority on persons than on objects. The spirit is going > away slowly from intolerance, is it the time to think of more lego pieces in our > sandbox? AlphaWorld "Wishlist"Mar 17, 1999, 3:03pm
Sounds like a good idea as long as the linked jpg is there, but how would an
entire construction created with picture-objects look like *after* the builder closed or moved his web account, and the jpg can no longer be accessed? humm... [View Quote] > Perhaps instead of adding more textures, to make one more pan, > wall and walks as create picture, so that people can use their > own if desired? > > grover > [View Quote] AWCC's 1 Anniversary Celebrations!Jan 14, 2000, 5:08pm
Hi all, it's been one year since the world AWCC (AW Community Center)
opened, and this Saturday, January 15th, the four groups, AWHS, CYs, AWEC and AW ComReg, invites you to celebrate:)) Events starts at 3pm VRT and goes on til 11pm VRT. There will also be a few contests with prizes. Please check AWEC's events calendar for details:) See you there:) Bille, for the hosts... Wonders of the WorldsJan 22, 2000, 1:13am
AWCC 17.6S 25.1W 180
[View Quote] > AlphaBit Phalpha proposed: > > > Coords plz, i can't get into AWCC it seems to download forever :( General WonderingMar 23, 2000, 12:26am
LOL, I really hope Mr Noll has more important business than replying to such requests...:))
Bille [View Quote] > I've had a weird feeling to ask this question... hehe... If I could get a response from Rick Noll, it would be very > interesting to see his response :) > > What would happen if I came into the AWCI building where Ri... er... Mr. Noll... was working, and (gently) honked his nose? =D > > (P.S. - Moderator - Feel free to pass this message along to Mr. Noll to see if he'll answer the question) > -Agent1 Worls Spotilights?Mar 31, 2000, 9:49pm
If there was such a "World Spotlight of the Week" it would take more than 13
years to get through the list of worlds, are you that patient?:) [View Quote] > I wish aw would have a World Spotlight of the Week,where every week they'd > find a cool world and then put its name and owner on the greeting message in > gateway and AlphaWorld,that way people would get their worlds their fare > share of world traffic! Worls Spotilights?Apr 3, 2000, 10:35pm
Sure, I got the point, and I support any "of the week" promotion, since it will
make ppl aware of locations they might not have found in other ways. Btw; anyone who like visitors to their world (or town for that sake), should make sure to order a "booth" for their community in AW Community Register's new register. To get accepted your community must be listed on the AW ComReg web register. There might be focused on a monthly community as well:).But ppl will have to leave AW Gate and AW GZ to figure out... :) Bille [View Quote] > Maybe you didnt read,but only the really good and imagintive worlds would be > spotlighted,not these cheap worlds that anyone could build in > AlphaWorld,someone would go world hopping,find a really cool world that > deserves to be noticed,and enter it,it prolly wouldnt take much... [View Quote] Show Off - Beta testing!Apr 11, 2000, 10:02pm
Hi all,
This Sunday, April 16th at 6PM VRT you are invited to the monthly Community Show Off at AW Community Register's amphi in AWCC. Most of this month's event will be dedicated to the ongoing AW 3.0 Beta testing, and beta testers will share their experiences so far, and those who are not testing (including me:) will get to know a little more about what the virtual future will be like:) Are you a beta tester, not afraid of climbing a stage?:) Contact me no later than Friday if you want more info or would like to participate with 5-10 minutes. There will also be one or two community presentations like usual, and this month the community related discussion will of course focus on the beta:) Seat reservations are not required, but please be there sharp - the event will last for one hour, only. Bille AW Community Register <the web register has been reorganised - > Types of BuildingsApr 17, 2000, 3:47am
object yards
teleport parks [View Quote] > All, > > Out of curiousity, what are the most common types of buildings in > Alpha World? I'm looking for broad categories, and here is what I > have thought of so far: > > Houses > Castles > Churches/Religious Buildings > Gardens > Landscape (eg, mountains, rivers, deserts, so on) > Monuments (eg memorials, birthday gifts, etc.) > Miscellaneous Other > > What have I missed? I'm sure there are other types of buildings that > are common. Suggestions? > > Selanit > > selanit at objects displayJun 18, 2000, 8:31pm
Hi to all rwx modelers and others who might be interested:)
In the Community Booths Area in the world AWCC, there is a section displaying a new set of rwx objects every month. The intention is to let rwx modelers display their work, and perhaps world owners might find some interesting objects for their worlds, too:) Any object will do - building objects, furniture, decorations or whatever. If you want us to display your objects just telegram Bille. Go to AWCC 11s 11e 225 to check out the display of this month as well as the past month. Bille Exhibition opens tonight:)Jun 22, 2000, 1:45am
Hi all, you are all invited to the opening of a new exhibition at
Gallerie 2222 of Pink Village, AW 2217s 2217e. This time, an artist from California will show stained glass art works, and he will be present to introduce us to his art:) It's our 19th exhibition, and the works can be seen for about 7 weeks. Opening at 22:00 (10pm) vrt - Wednesday = tonight:) Bille for Pink Village Pink Village's 4th AnniversaryFeb 6, 2001, 8:09am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit uhm, that was just for the advertising jippo, heh:)) seriously, if anyone know of a town in AW that is older than 4 years, and that still has an active council - let's hear it!:) Bille [View Quote] > Wow, that's the oldest town in Alphaworld? --------------40C90CA133B57B53399D2E40 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> uhm, that was just for the advertising jippo, heh:)) seriously, if anyone know of a town in AW that is older than 4 years, and that still has an active council - let's hear it!:) <p>Bille [View Quote] </body> </html> --------------40C90CA133B57B53399D2E40-- Random Thought of the Week #1Feb 6, 2001, 8:26am
I definately see it as more than a chat; how about all the users building up
long time projects in here, forming communities, advertising their AW ideas, etc? Chat sure is an important part of all that, but just a part:) Bille (weeeee, Ive not been able to post to this ng in ages, now it works!!! :) [View Quote] > I have noticed that many people concider Aw to be a game.I look at it more > as a chat;and for that purpose is it much better than most I have run into. > > Drac > sw comit <swcomit at> kirjoitti > viestissä:3a7c807d at I think that this is something that needs to be discussed.Feb 11, 2001, 1:26am
I think you should reconcider your conclution here, Ananas...
Unfotunately we live in a sick world where minorities are not accepted. In many real life countries, and in several social aspects as well, it's not legal being gay, or gay people are not accepted. Gay people are fired from their job, gay people are humiliated, some times even physically wounded or worse... How can you say that's the same for i.e. the Germans or any other nationality? How would you know that the person asking if gays were allowed, was not in one of those real life countries? Or had mad experience from other chat systems? In AW's gay town, Pink Village, we have residents that are worried to death to leave any clue of their real life identity, because of awaiting punishments if anyone in their real life got to know about their sexual orientation. This is all worth crying for :( So... you shouldn't take it for granted that a person asking such a question has anything concerning sex in mind at all, but rather refers to the political and social sickness of our real world. And, by ejecting him without any more questions, well... hooray for the human nature... I don't know the story you referred to, and of course I don't see anything wrong in redirecting a person, but only if the person *does* something wrong, or asks for your suggestion. I don't see how anyone could have any right to eject someone because of their sexual preferences, as long as they don't start sex talking - but that has absolutely nothing to do with being gay or not... Bille [View Quote] > I think the problem is that he entered "as a gay" and not "as a > citizen". > > The question "are gays allowed here" sounds implicite like "may I > talk/act gay here". I would never have ejected him because of this > question but I at least would have monitored him in a G rated world. > > If I entered a world asking "are germans allowed here" that would mean > that I want to enter "as a german" and not as a citizen of AW - my > question would have a reason. If someone would come into a world with > this question I would not eject him but monitor him, maybe keep the > mouse cursor above the eject button at least for a while. > > Some of the words quoted from the chat were really discriminating (and > sounded very dumb) but I think there actually was a provokation in the > way he entered, similar to the idiots coming into worlds and the first > line they say contains "a/s/l" or "is one of you female". > > So I decided for me to see him as an idiot not for beeing gay but for > the way he entered the worlds. This is not a final decision - just an > impression. > > Ananas > > p.s.: Not to be misunderstood : I would have thought the same if he > would have entered the world with the words "are heteros allowed here" > > crazy glue il schrieb: I think that this is something that needs to be discussed.Feb 11, 2001, 2:15am
Don't you know that most ppl tend to believe that being gay is all about sex...
they are not capable of seeing the difference between what a person is and what a person does. The reason why it is so, must be that being hetero obviously is all about sex... :o) Bille [View Quote] > what makes you think that he *wants* to have a sexually oriented chat? He > wanted to know if he would get basked or not, if he could chat without being > attacked. > ect. > > -- > We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:] > ~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL > crazyglue3 at > Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them? > Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them? > That's is the question. [View Quote] I think that this is something that needs to be discussed.Feb 11, 2001, 2:22am
I don't recall calling you a homophobe, actually i don't recall posting anything
for you at all...? So I'm not quite sure what to say, hehe:) If you are Ananas, I simply thought your conclution above was a little one-tracked, and I was not aware of the logg that was posted further down. After reading it I'm not sure whether it's a fake thingy, or not, but most of my comments are more general ... Bille [View Quote] > simple this guy was trying to start a fight it was his only intent from the > second he walked in to the gate. > and then in to other worlds as well. > and dont even try calling me a homophobe as im am not im not gay etheir and > ive known 2 gays one was a fill in manger where i use to work the other was > a employee that moved out of town 4 or 5 months after i got there because he > had a better job. > id not say they were freinds sence i dont gen try and make freinds where i > work. > im there to work and thats it. [View Quote] I think that this is something that needs to be discussed.Feb 11, 2001, 7:48pm
lol, so homosexuals now are generally criminals, too??? what's the next - that
gay ppl are to blame for the Earth's ozon problem ? [View Quote] > The reason these so called "absurd people" do not want children exposed to > this is because of the pervs that are looking to find them and talk them > into leaving home and coming to them to either be killed or forced into > child porn. > > I admit that is the worst case senario but that is the reason why we have > guidelines like that. To prevent this and identify any and all pervs that > may have found there way into the chat room. > [View Quote] I think that this is something that needs to be discussed.Feb 11, 2001, 7:51pm
sure, I read the logg in next thread after replying, and the duscussion subject is
slightly different...:) B [View Quote] > I would not have ejected but monitored him because of his weird way of > starting his conversation. That has nothing to do with his beeing gay. > If you read my previous reply again you will see that this is what I > wrote. > I do not defend the people who argued against him and ejected him - but > he should think over his strategy. I do not visit worlds where any GROUP > of people isn't allowed (one exception exists - I have an allergy > against fascists). > But I think individuals acting stupid have to expect stupid reactions, > and that was what happened (I'm sure you've read the original incident > now that crazy glue il referred to). > > I am aware of the problems that gay people have - not only in many but > in most real life countries, including US and germany. Even if it isn't > allowed by law gay people are discriminated. > > bille schrieb: I think that this is something that needs to be discussed.Feb 11, 2001, 8:09pm
I couldn't agree more to your statements, imagine, but there is another question
that appears after this whole discussion that also is worth looking into. I can accept the majority's oppinion that there's no point in mention sexual references in a world intended for new users to get help to use the software etc. But - why is it obviously ok that other users humilate a gay person in AWGate? See the comments below. Knowing that some of flynn 1's comments might have been excerted by i love craig; it would be interesting to know whether the GateKeeper did correct Lady TeaL and dUNcE for discriminating another user. This is quite bad behavior, and would be bad for any kid to witness... This is a point that most of the "debatants" of this thread has left out... Shouldn't obvious discriminating in AWGate be a good eject reason if being gay is? Bille imagine wrote <snipped>: > """""Lady TeaL: This is a place to have fun, not to be tormented by > homosexuals""""" > > """"dUNcE: u are being treated the way gays should be""""" > Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...Feb 11, 2001, 1:57am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [View Quote] > if your friend kept his mouth shut about his sexual prefrence he would be ok > GKs have to see that the guidelines are followed. I would like to see your > gay friend try this chat off in a day care center or a school with kids around. wouldnt last. there is aplace for everything. sexual comments from gay or stright will cause > one to have a problem like being ejected. What If I went was at the gate asking for > if its ok to be stright and telling everyone that I am straight. for one I couldnt talk that way with kids around. I would be ejected too. your friend needs to keep his sexual prefrence to him self at the gate like me and other respectable citizens to. I hope he can also come up with a more original name too. if you need for me to email you the guidelines let me know. but they are easy to find. :) Oh oh... I get so hurt each time someone do mix sexual reference with sexual activity! Being gay is not alone about thinking sex-sex-sex! It's an identity - mainly it's that way because of the community's intolerance towards gay ppl. In that way being gay influe on most sides of a gay persons identity - will my boss fire me? will my friends leave me? even, will my parents turn away from me? See? It's way more complicated than sexual activity. It's about being different, and I have never understood why it's a crime to let kids know that people ARE different! So are the kids! The intolerance from most communities is the main reason why most gay ppl need to talk about who they are. And it's much easier to "open up" on the Internet than in real life. If nobody cared whether a person is gay or not, it would probably not be a subject at all... Bille --------------C72639D5EE7CBF7867992852 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> [View Quote] --------------C72639D5EE7CBF7867992852-- kellee's babyFeb 19, 2001, 12:26am
Wow, I didn't know. No wonder I have not seen u in a while, kellee:) Congrats:)
Bille [View Quote] > Here is a sneak preview of kellee's new baby boy Daniel (born 10th Feb 2001 > at 2:52PM Friday Central Aust time). Unfortunately the *only* decent shot > worth posting was one with yours truly in the shot. kellee will make a a > web page soon for all interested. > > Both mum and bub are doing marvelously. :o) > > Congrats kellee! I'm looking forward to his first build. > > Luv Justin > > [Image] It's Poll TimeAug 7, 2001, 9:58pm
I think it would be easier for the public voters (like me) if a group of judges
did choose 3 nominees from each category, before the community start voting. For some time there have been 10-20 nominees (I assume none who is suggested is taken off the list at all), and the reason/description why someone is nominated is often hard to figure. Often all you get to know is a nick and a set of coords. I would appreciate to know a little more about the idea and purpose of the build. Most builds etc are good, but not everyone who would like to vote have got time to explore 50-100 locations to pay justice to ALL the nominees. I normally check 4-5 locations, and if I like any of them, I place my vote without caring about the rest. Sure, I'm ashamed...:| I also would find it a lot more entertaining and exciting if I did not know the winners' name untill the second they are announced from stage, eventually together with a brief presentation on each nomination (more or less like the Oscars) - well:) I think public voting is benefiting the Cy's, but like others here, I also see a point in having programmers, experienced builders, modellers etc. to find the best candidates to make it more easy and probably more fair, too... Bille [View Quote] > Hi, > > I have noticed that alot of people complain about the Cy Awards being a > popularity contest, becuase of the public voting, so i want to take a poll > over it. > > This may not affect the Cy Awards Voting system at all, i am just interested > in knowing. > > Poll: > Do you think the Cy Awards Voting System should be public, or should it be > an internal judging system? > > LilAlpha Phalpha > Cy Awards Public Relations ComReg's new site coming soonAug 7, 2001, 10:25pm
Hi all, I've not been reading this ng for some time - now it feels sorta
odd writing here again:) Anyways, AW Community Register (ComReg) will be releasing our new register this weekend, and I was hoping that any communities registered on the current register will make sure they don't miss the transmission! Contents will of course be mostly the same; info on many of AW's greatest worlds, towns and societies. But, this time communities' registrations will be based on JavaScript, and it'll be a lot easier to search etc as well as for maintenance. It will be easier for the community contacts to renew a registration or community booth in AWCC as well. The new version will auto-archive any community that has not renewed/confirmed their current info within 6 months. In this way we will only list the better organised communities (but all it takes to qualify is to click a web button twice a year:) If your community (world, town or society) is already registered, or your favourite community is, please make sure that the post was adjusted/verified less than 6 months ago, or the registration will not be listed on the new system, only in the archive. Also, we have recently received many new submissions, but due to the extra work with the new web site, no more community registrations will be added to the current site, but they will of course appear on the new site. We hope that the new site will be released August 11th:) Bille ComReg OOPS: I almost forgot to say that ComReg turns 3 years old August 15th. We'll host an event in AWCC shortly after the web release, to be announced very soon. A crash course in event hostingAug 14, 2001, 12:51pm
Ohhh! I missed it :-|
Anyways, I've hosted some events in the past, but never ever ejected anyone. It's way better to solve it in other ways. Troublemakers ar avatars who love the "cat & mouse" game. If there's nobody chasing them, the game will turn out to be rather boring... Always handle the first troublemaker in a clever way, or else s/he will tg all her/his friends and the trouble really occours. I wouldn't ignore the person totally (anyone attending and asking for attention deserves to get noticed, it's only polite, unless it's already stated that nop comments from the audience will be heard). Instead you could make some fun of it all, welcoming the person, applauding the comments, or make fun of them. 'Thank you for contributing to the show', telling the audience to applaude the person who on such short notice accepted to help 'keeping the audience warm', etc. If the programme allows you to improvise a little, call the person to stage as a spontanous' guest to the show making a fool of him/her up there (present him as a typical example of the avatars who can not think itself but is operated by aliens)?... Well, don't take all this too seriously, but it *is* impossible to plan any longer event in AW, and expect to be able to follow a detailed script minute to minute. There will always occour things that 'ruins' the plan, but hey - this *is* the challenge for all hosts:). And the audience will expect unforseen things to happen, too, nobody would blame the host for that, beeing technical server stuff or troublemakers. Allways include 10 mins during the planned programme to handle such stuff. If everything works fine it shouldn't be any problem to fill 10 mins at the end of the show, or to close a little earlier. Well... take it or leave it:) I'll try to attend your next show, wearing a MrTourist avatar, hoping for attention, lol...:) Bille [View Quote] > Today was my first time on the administration time of an inworld event. A TV show for ABN, a rather complex undertaking requiring > synchronization of various people and events. > > for more info on the show, that's not what I'm here to talk about. > > The show went off without a hitch on it's own, but the crowd had quite a few bad apples. Unfortunately, even with a Peacekeeper > present, little was able to be done about them. Even though they were placing obscene xsign.rwx objects with some sexually explicit > wav files in the studio, nothing was able to be done. For much of the show, two of us spent our time bump warping them across > alphaworld into a bump warp trap we'd built for this type of situation, into void, stuff like that. > > The PK was able to give us the luxury of giving them a stern talking to in whisper, though one made us swear not to report him to > AWC or the PKs for his actions before he'd stop and leave (Wheres the logic? A PK was RIGHT THERE) > > From this experience, we learned never to trust in people's common sense or decency under any circumstances and never to host a > non-audience participation event in Alphaworld. 90% of the comments by visitors during the show were from the few bad apples. > > "How am I supposed to laugh at a nerd host?" > "At least put on a good midi" > "SOMEONE WARPED ME" > "I'm going to delete this place" > "I'm a hacker" > "I WANNA HOST! I'LL BE BETTER AT IT" > > However, I'd like to thank the two or three people that had the decency to keep their mouths shut until afterwards and have respect > for what we were doing, and applauded our efforts afterwards. > > Alphaworld is currently USELESS for events because of the bad apples that just look to party crash. I don't know what can be done > about it, but somthing certainly should be. Thanks for reading. ComReg's Scavenger Hunt is ongoing!!Aug 18, 2001, 3:46pm
Hi all,
Last night AW Community Register celebrated it's 3rd Anniversary, and the Scavenger Hunt started. The Hunt will be ongoing till Friday Aug 24th at 11:59PM (23:59) VRT. Citizenships to win:) Please check our web site for more info on this contest; Bille ComReg When does the CY gala start?Aug 18, 2001, 8:01pm
I've browsed the CY web page, but can't find the schedule. I'm sure
there's some posts in this ng, but if there's any changes, I figured it's better to ask... Bille When does the CY gala start?Aug 18, 2001, 8:02pm
Ignore... LOL, I had forgot that AWEC's calendar is back up... found it
there... Bille [View Quote] > I've browsed the CY web page, but can't find the schedule. I'm sure > there's some posts in this ng, but if there's any changes, I figured > it's better to ask... > > Bille |